Small Fortunes (Haunting Case) – Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Small Fortunes (Haunting Case) – Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Small fortunes is one of the Haunting Cases present at the Hunters' Camp in Banishers: Ghosts of New EdenA variation of this Haunting Case entitled Fortune favors the brave will take place if you have spared Hardhide and successfully completed the Harrows and Fort Jericho quests. The progress of this quest is almost identical to the one presented here, except that you will question Edith rather than her brother and that you will visit a cave.


  • Access conditions : Sacrifice Hardskin during the quest for The beast and complete the quests A light in the darkness And Black ink.

Learn more about the Keaynes

To start this Haunting Case, find Danniel Keayne in a house south of Hunters' Camp. After the conversation, listen to the echo coming from the shovel located next to it then talk again with Danniel. After your interview, take the Boston Bridge Road heading northwest.

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Go to the bridge to Boston

Go through a slot to meet Evelynne for the first time (if you haven't already) who will give you the Case of Haunting Medical secrecy. Continue your route in a northwest direction after turning left at the intersection after the meeting mentioned above. You will encounter many ghosts along the way.

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You will come across a raised bridge closed by insidious ivy. The three will-o'-the-wisps to reach are behind a rock behind you, below behind some planks to destroy from a distance and at the top right on the cliffside. Continuing the road, you will come across the collapsed bridge in question.

Find a way to cross the bridge

To find the right road, head west to climb towards a mine guarded by specters. Once everyone is defeated, go east and enter the building on the right. Come out behind to allow you to find a jump point and thus reach the mine.

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Go down into the mine, go left and move north to go down one more step. Follow the path going to the right and cross the tree trunk serving as a bridge to end up climbing the wall and thus exit the mine and come out on the other side of the destroyed bridge.

Follow Edithe's trail

From there, go northeast and examine the footprints on the ground after a fight with wraiths to continue towards the old guard tower by going east. Once there, search the area if you wish (a shelter awaits you there) but otherwise, cross to find Edithe's body further near a tree.

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Find Edithe's things

Continue on your left and follow the wall to the left of the bridge before using the elevator a little further on. Once at the bottom, continue and go to the other side of the bridge to find some specters and a new elevator to go down into the ravine.

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Once at the bottom, go east and turn north to go down and find at the end a spectral web trapping a document on the ground. Here, with the item in your pocket, perform a Forced Manifestation ritual to be able to chat with Edithe's ghost.

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Talk to Daniel

After this interview, leave the ravine by climbing the wall further south imprisoned by insidious ivy. Once at the top, go left and cross the cave to find an elevator allowing you to return to the guard tower using shortcuts. Use the campfire here to teleport to Hunter's Camp and talk to Danniel outside his house.

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Then enter the building and use a listening chant ritual for the echo on the overturned chair then go and retrieve the final clue from the table. After the following conversation, it will be high time to make your decision regarding this Haunting Case:

  • Either you decide to Blame Danniel : you will thus contribute to the resurrection of Antea.
  • Either you choose to Ban Edithe orRaising Edithe : in these specific cases, you will participate in the ascent of Antea.

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