What are you playing on the weekend?


Another week is over and the days off are approaching. How do you spend your weekend?


This week we had a special one coming out on April 26th “Stellar Blade” Theme. The game will be released exclusively for the PlayStation 5 and will receive one at launch Day One Patch. The update doesn't just create an unfortunate location Removed graffiti from the game. Also will be a New Game Plus Mode added, which allows users to keep features from the first playthrough when replaying the game.

This was published this week Next-gen update for “Fallout 4”. This was announced by Bethesda at the end of 2022. Now the developers took advantage of the popularity of the recently released Amazon seriesto breathe new life into the action RPG released in 2015.

We also use the days off for various games

From “Fallout 4” Our Tobias is also getting carried away this weekend. The update offers one technically outdated version of the wasteland, with two new graphics modes and 60 frames per second. In addition to the graphical revisions, the new patch also provides some bug fixes that should also benefit the old consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Sven will be looking at two fresh titles in the coming days. For one thing, it is “Sand Land”, which also celebrates its release today, April 26th. The game is based on the manga of the same name by Akira Toriyama, who died on March 1st. Sven's second game will be “Tales of Kenzera: Zau” which has been playable via PlayStation Plus Extra since April 23rd.

Elena will be with you on the days off “Minecraft” spend. The popular sandbox game recently… Update 1.20.80 received, which, among other things, adds the new armadillo mob. Dennis will continue to work on it, just like last week “Doom Eternal” to defeat the demons and stop the extinction of humanity. Micha also continues to be demonic, but with the campaign of “Diablo 4”.

Now that you know what we're doing next weekend, we want to hear from you. What games do you have coming up?

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