Nintendo will unveil the Switch 2 during this fiscal year and confirms its June Direct – News

In order not to be confronted with too many questions from shareholders, CEO Shuntaro Furukawa confirmed that the replacement for the Switch will be revealed during the current fiscal year, which leaves significant room for maneuver since the financial year in question will end on March 31, 2025. As a reminder, all sources have been converging for some time towards the prospect of a release of the console at the beginning of 2025, at the earliest. Rumors in the corridors speak of a formula very close to the current Switch, but with obviously more power, a larger screen (possibly an 8-inch LCD) and a new magnetic attachment system for the Joy-Con. Backward compatibility with Switch games (in cartridge and digital) also seems assured, as does compatibility with Pro controllers.


Nintendo gives itself time

This is Shuntaro Furukawa, president of Nintendo. We will make an announcement regarding the successor to the Nintendo Switch during this fiscal year. It will have been more than nine years since we announced the existence of the Nintendo Switch in March 2015. We will organize a Nintendo Direct next June regarding the Nintendo Switch software range for the second half of 2024, but please note that it will not be no mention of the successor to the Nintendo Switch during this presentation. »

Shuntaro Furukawa therefore remains vague on the timing of the big reveal, but we already know that it will not take place this summer. If Nintendo will indeed broadcast its traditional June Direct, this program will remain exclusively dedicated to the next releases of the current console, without any mention of its future little sister. While waiting to return in more detail to Nintendo's annual results, note that the manufacturer has now distributed 141.32 million Switches worldwide for 1.23 billion games. Princess Peach Showtime and Mario vs. Donkey Kong have sold 1.22 and 1.12 million copies respectively as of March 31, 2024.

  • Also read | Switch 2: magnetic Joy-Con, backward compatibility… Update on rumors
