Unnoticed Mistake in James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Culture news There was a glaring mistake in James Cameron's Terminator 2, and no one noticed it


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With Terminator 2: Judgment Day released in 1991, James Cameron proved to Hollywood and moviegoers that he was undoubtedly the master of sequels. The second hunt for the T-800 is a classic dissected by fans for over three decades. However, there is a glaring error in the film that few people have noticed.


The best sequel ever

James Cameron truly launched his career in 1984 with a landmark science fiction film that established him as a “filmmaker to watch”. Terminator offers spectators a never-before-seen manhunt and, above all, one of the most striking fictional creatures in the 7th Art. Little anecdote: the T-800 was born from a nightmare of James Cameron. 7 years and an Aliens, the return (1986) later, the Canadian director moves on and enriches his dystopian universe with a second opus which surpasses the first in every way.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong and Robert Patrick won all the votes, delighted the press and raked in 520.9 million US dollars at the box office for an estimated budget of 94 to 102 million. Unfortunately for this SF saga, the countless cinematic sequels will never manage to match their illustrious predecessor. Only the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles series stands out from the rest and is worth the detour.

Terminator 2's glaring mistake

A simple (re)watching of Terminator 2: Judgment Day would reveal the existence of a glaring error in the film directed by James Cameron. But is this really a mistake? During the chase scene between the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) in a helicopter and the trio consisting of the T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) as well as Sarah (Linda Hamilton) and John Connor (Edward Furlong) on ​​board of a van, Skynet's killing machine appears to have 2 pairs of hands, two that pilot and two that reload its weapon. Obviously, this is an oversight left in the editing by James Cameron, unless…

In the sequence above (at 1 minute and 58 seconds), the T-1000 does indeed perform two actions requiring a total of four hands, but this is not an error. According to Errors in the Film forum member “Skeeve,” the film's book explains that the Terminator played by Robert Patrick can create a second pair of arms on demand if necessary. Additionally, James Cameron confirms this theory in the audio commentaries of a DVD release. The feature film had therefore been thought out down to the smallest detail by the director and his creative teams.

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