Remake on PS5 disc at a bargain price

There is a horror hit for PS5 at a bargain price on Amazon. The remake achieved high ratings in 2023 and costs less than 24 euros as a disk version.

Metascore 89 and 4.81 stars in the PlayStation Store: There should hardly be any question as to whether the purchase is worthwhile. However, the remake of “Dead Space” In some digital stores it still costs just under 80 euros.


It is a price that no longer has to be paid in retail. And interested players can currently get off particularly cheaply on Amazon. The mail order company promises a 65 percent discount and does not base the calculation on the previous RRP, but only uses around 68 euros.

Dead Space on Amazon for less than 24 euros

The remake of “Dead Space” currently only costs 23.56 euros on Amazon. For this amount, buyers can own the PS5 version and benefit from a disc at the same time. We have linked the offer below:

The price of “Dead Space” also falls regularly in the PlayStation Store, but in the case of the standard version so far it has only fallen to up to 31.99 euros. The deluxe edition cost 35.99 euros until yesterday, but rose again to 89.99 euros after the deal ended.

We made it clear at the beginning that buying “Dead Space” is a worthwhile affair. But what do players get? The remake is based on the horror hit originally developed by Visceral Games and released in 2008. Motive Studios was used in the current-gen version launched in 2023.


The focus of “Dead Space” is engineer Isaac Clarke, who is stuck on an abandoned mining spaceship called Ishimura, which in turn has been overrun by bloodthirsty alien beings. Players will encounter a dark mood, equally depressing gameplay and an oppressive story.

How the remake of “Dead Space” performed in our test you can find out here.

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