Big News: Rumors suggest Apple may be adding a popular new feature to their devices

The iPhone could soon benefit from a feature highly requested by users. Enough to completely disrupt the experience? In any case, it seems very promising.

In the ever-evolving field of mobile technology, Apple appears poised to take a new turn. According to information from Bloomberg, the company is renewing discussions with OpenAI to integrate the startup's generative artificial intelligence technology into upcoming iPhone features. This potential partnership could mark an important tipping point for Apple. Which has been relatively cautious in adopting generative AI compared to its competitors.


OpenAI and the iPhone

Negotiations between Apple and OpenAI, which recently resumed, concern the terms of integration of these advanced features into the iOS 18 operating system. Apple, known for its closed ecosystem and its strict control over the integration of new technologies, thus seems to open a new page in its product strategy. Good news.

This news comes shortly after rumors suggested that Apple was also considering licensing Gemini chatbot technology from Google to enrich the user experience on iPhone. However, it has not yet been decided with certainty which partner will be chosen. Or whether Apple could ultimately collaborate with multiple vendors, including Google and OpenAI.

Apple's relative slowness in integrating generative AI, which can generate human-like responses from written prompts, has been noted compared to its rivals. Like Microsoft and Google. The latter have already started to integrate such technologies into their products. Apple CEO Tim Cook said in February that the company was investing “significantly” in generative AI. And that it would unveil its plans to use this technology later in the year.

This development at Apple could redefine how users interact with their devices. But also position the company more competitively in the rapidly changing technology landscape. With these new initiatives, Apple is not just catching up with its competitors. But also to prepare the ground for the next generations of mobile technologies.

