The Fallout series is doing exactly what fans fear most in Season 2

The Fallout series wants to be inspired by fans, but not in the way they hope. (Image source: Amazon Prime)

The Fallout series wants to be inspired by fans, but not in the way they hope. (Image source: Amazon Prime)


A second season of Fallout has been confirmed and, of course, fans are eager to speculate on Reddit, Twitter, etc. about how the story will continue. In an interview The creative minds behind the series are now also talking about their future plans.

Apparently the authors Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet were also inspired by fans – but not as perhaps hoped.

We have to do that

Before and after the release of the series, many topics and the numerous small details of the first season of Fallout were discussed on Reddit: How does the series fit into the canon of the games? What motivations do the characters have? And who really started the nuclear war?

From the appearance of infamous monsters to visiting important locations to meeting well-known characters, Fallout fans also shared their hopes and wishes for the continuation of the series – and their fears.


Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing
Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing

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Fallout changed everything, and that's a good thing

Because many Fallout fans are very attached to the post-apocalyptic world and quickly fear that that new games or the series change something about the existing stories and structures. There was discussion for days about a certain year that seemed to contradict Fallout: New Vegas. Finally, Todd Howard personally made it clear that the excitement was in vain.

However, we fans are not completely out of the woods yet: The two authors Wagner and Robertson-Dworet also secretly observed the discussions on Reddit. They also jotted down an idea for season 2, and unfortunately it's one of the biggest fears of some fans:

I sent Geneva a screenshot of a Reddit thread where people were desperately hoping for something not to happen in Season 2. I then said to Geneva: I think we have to do that.

This is what we have now.

Have you shared your concerns about Fallout Season 2 on Reddit? Then you should probably prepare yourself for whatever comes next.

Many ideas sorted out

Wagner and Robertson-Dworet also talk about how they exchanged ideas, wrote scenes, and then discarded them while writing the series. There were about a lot for the first season Side quests planned, but were then canceled because they didn't really advance the story.

Robertson-Dworet hopes that some of these little stories might make it into Season 2. So maybe we'll be here again distracted by some crapas the ghoul would say.
