Steam is offering the best Far Cry installment for just 4.99 euros!

For many gamers, Far Cry 3 is still considered the best part of the shooter series. Anyone who has missed out on the action-packed trip to the tropical island can now do so on Steam for 4.99 euros.

Far Cry 3 is on offer on Steam for 4.99 euros

Far Cry 3 essentially laid the foundation for Ubisoft's now well-known open-world formula in 2012. Her climbs towersTo uncover map areas, you can find treasures and small collectibles at every corner, smoke out enemy camps and relieve the local fauna of furs and skins to get out of it produce new equipment.


As you progress through the game, you collect more and more experience points. If you have enough to level up, you will unlock skill points that you can use in… invest new skills can. Oh yes, there are also small side missions to complete away from the main story if that isn't enough for you.

Good to know: The Steam version of Far Cry 3 is the original from 2012 – not the classic version with improved graphics, which was brought onto the market a few years ago. Accordingly, PC gamers may have to tinker a bit to achieve stable frame rates. The gaming experience tends to vary from system to system.

Ubisoft seems to have come up with something very special for the next Far Cry:

Who is Far Cry 3 worth it for?

All Far Cry fans who have missed Far Cry 3 so far can definitely get it for 4.99 euros. The first-person shooter is now starting to show its age in some places, but the colorful shooting booth is still fun. Additionally, Far Cry 3 has Montenegro with Vaas one of the best villains in the series to offer.


However, what you should consider before buying: All online functions and multiplayer modes have now been switched off. However, if you don't mind that, Far Cry 3 is a well-rounded open-world shooter that will keep you busy for between 15 and 25 hours, depending on your playing style.
