Servant of God: Overcoming the Nameless Parade Bug to Complete the Quest

News tip Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?


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Highly anticipated by action-RPG fans and those of the Ori saga games, No Rest for the Wicked was finally released in early access a few days ago. Unfortunately, this early version does not escape a few bugs, including one that could prevent you from progressing in the Servant of God quest. We explain how to cross the Nameless Parade.


Summary of all our guides on No Rest for the Wicked


  • How to get the Servant of God quest in No Rest for the Wicked?
  • How to cross the Nameless Parade in No Rest for the Wicked?
  • How to overcome the Nameless Parade crane bug in No Rest for the Wicked?
  • How to complete the Servant of God quest in No Rest for the Wicked?

Previously accustomed to 2D Metroidvanias, the developers of Moon Studios have decided to strike hard with their new game No Rest for the Wicked. Action-RPG from a top view, the latter presents itself as a clever mix between Dark Souls and Diablo, and we must admit that it all works wonderfully. Available in early access for a few days, the game has currently offered to discover the entirety of its first chapter and will be expanded over time via various content updates. Among the few main quests available to date, Servant of God is probably the one that is likely to cause you the most problems.

To unlock this quest, you will simply have to continue the story until you arrive in the town of Sacramentjust after defeating the first boss of the game. Once you have passed the city walls, climb the multiple stairs to go as high as possible and enter the Rookery where the Watchman and his assistant Roan. Talk to them to trigger a long cutscene following which you will spend the night in the tower. Get out of the latter, talk to the Watcher to use your Plague Ichor and increase the size of your inventory (we advise you to unlock a ring slot), then exit the Roquerie and cross the bridge to speak to Speaker Lucian. You will easily recognize him: he is one of La Madrigale's religious henchmen and he is at the head of a group of inquisitors just in front of the bridge. He is the one who will give you the quest Servant of Godwhich will ask you to go to the Nameless Parade east of Sacrament.

Once you accept the Servant of God quest in Sacrament, go directly east from the group of inquisitors led by Speaker Lucian and cross the bridge to reach the Nameless Parade. Be careful, the area is full of quite formidable enemies, do not hesitate to return to the previous areas to train if you have difficulty surviving. As soon as you have crossed the bridge, before going any further, enter the small cave just north to find a Whisper of the Cérimes.

Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?

Then continue east and eliminate the first enemies you encounter. If you go all the way, you will be blocked by a large wooden door which you will not be able to open straight away. In place, climb the vines next to the house with a hole in the roof to access the upper level of the area. Continue climbing, then go back up muddy slope and continue on the right. Eliminate the opponent with the two-handed ax on the plateau a little further, then jump onto the stone platform just to the left of the plateau to access the heights even further to the left.

From there, eliminate the wolves on the other side of the small natural stone bridge and climb the vines to reach the top of the mountain. Lower itladder on the right to unlock a shortcut, then continue in the same direction to find a elevator. Go down using the latter to access the second part of the area and activate the Whisper of the Cérimes. Before going further north, we advise you to go south and activate the lever on the platform at the top of the ladder to open the large wooden door that we were talking about earlier.

Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?

Summary of all our guides on No Rest for the Wicked

Once in the second part of the Nameless Parade, you will arrive at an abandoned quarry filled with enemies. Start by speaking with Malec, the man locked in the cage next to the Whisper of Cerimes, to update the quest objective. Then go down a little further and turn left to bypass the area, then follow the rails which pass through the corridor to the left to arrive in a cave.

Inside, eliminate all the enemies and continue to the right until you are blocked by a large wooden door. Normally, to go further, you should go up to the stairs to the south of the area and turn the crane so as to move the platform to be able to climb on it and access the path to the south. Unfortunately, many players (myself included) are experiencing a bug that prevents the crane from rotating 360°, completely blocking the progress of the quest and therefore the completion of the game. Don't panic, there is a way out.

Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?

If you get the bug of the crane not rotating 360°, return to the large wooden door next to it, and watch out for the vertical beam just to his right. By positioning yourself correctly and abusing the automatic escalation a little, you can climb on it to then climb onto the stone ledge higher upand thus directly access the lever which allows you to open the door and continue further. To help you achieve this, we advise you to watch our video below. Note that since this bug is still not corrected to this day in our part, we cannot give you a guide regarding the official passage to get there. Before going through the door you just opened, don't forget to go to the left to unlock access to the Whisper of the Cérimes of the area.

Summary of all our guides on No Rest for the Wicked

Once you have passed the large wooden door, cross the bridge to arrive in a large area where you will have to defeat a fairly powerful enemy. Be careful of the many holes around you during the fight, prefer to lure him next to the door from which he came out to avoid falling in. On the other side of the latter, use the lever and turn it counterclockwise to open the first rack. Eliminate the opponent who will emerge, then turn the lever again to open the second grid. Defeat the second enemy, then enter the room where he was. Go to the bottom and climb the destroyed wall on the right to climb a little higher.

Here a man will ask you to release him, but this is not necessary. Continue along the narrow path to the left until you reach a platform where a spellcasting enemy awaits you. Eliminate him, then go up to theladder on the left before taking the dilapidated wooden platform on the right. On the other side, climb the vines right next door to find a brazierthen move to the left until Whisper of the Cérimes.

Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?Servant of God No Rest for the Wicked: How to get past the Nameless Parade bug to complete this quest?

From there, continue straight and go down as much as possible until you come across a group of inquisitors who block the way. Ignore them and continue on the long straight line right next to them to find the Madrigale And Ellsworth. Talk to them to start a short cinematic, then speak to the Madrigale again to advance in the quest, which will unlock the path previously blocked by the inquisitors. Then climb the stairs behind them and continue to the next one Whisper of the Cérimes. Rather than entering the cave next door, prefer to go towards the path on the left. In the cave, drop the statue to create a bridge.

On the other side, follow the wall towards the south then jump into the small pond a little further down at the end of the path. From there you can jump safely into the water much lower. Then swim along the right wall until you can climb onto a ledge to the far right of the area. Continue on this path by eliminating the wizard at the end, then climb the vines to go to the top. If you don't have much stamina, remember to take a few breaks along the way if you don't want to die from falling. At the top, eliminate the two opponents and climb the stairs until you arrive in a room with a statue. Drop it to make a bridge towards the Murmure des Cérimes from earlier. By entering the next room, you will face the final boss of chapter 1, and therefore early access. We advise you to be very well equipped and of a fairly high level before trying it. To find our advice about this boss, we refer you to our guide dedicated to the Riven Twins.


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