These consoles and handhelds are owned by the players

Which old and new consoles or handhelds are particularly common in households? This is what we wanted to know from you last weekend. The results are there.

Video gamers accumulate a lot of games over the years. But many fans also apparently find it difficult to part with hardware. This is a result of our survey from last Sunday. Owning consoles and handhelds was the central theme.


This time, more than 24,000 votes were received, which, based on the number of participants, suggests that PLAY3.DE readers own around ten of the listed consoles and handhelds on average.

The PS5 is number 1

We are in the middle of that PS5 generation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the majority of readers own the console. 80 percent chose the PS5, but often chose other consoles and handhelds. Overall, the current Sony console received nine percent of all votes awarded (multiple selection possible).

The PS4 also continues to be in many households. Almost 67 percent of all participants said they owned them. Active use was not a decisive factor in answering the question. This is followed by the Switch (more on that below) and other PlayStation consoles, including the PS3 (64 percent), the PS2 (55 percent) and the first PlayStation (44 percent).

The two Sony handhelds PlayStation Portable and PS Vita landed in 10th and 12th place. Here, 35 and 32 percent of participants respectively stated that they still had them in their possession. If the question about actual ownership was answered correctly, there seems to be plenty of classic PlayStation hardware in the players' houses, apartments, attics and basements.


Switch more popular than Xbox hardware

Due to the primary topic of PLAY3.DE, comparisons between consoles from different manufacturers are not very meaningful for the overall market. However, third place shows that Nintendo Switch is highly valued by the participants. 65 percent said they owned them.

Also the consoles Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S took the mentioned restriction into account, but in the end they only ended up in places 16 and 25. Added together, they would come in 8th place. According to the participants, the Xbox 360 is still in 29 percent of households.

The currently common systems in comparison:

  • PS5: 80 percent
  • PS4: 69 percent
  • Switch: 65 percent
  • Xbox Series X: 28 percent
  • Xbox Series S: 11 percent

The information on older systems is also interesting. And Nintendo hardware in particular is often represented. The Game Boy has 41 percent, the Nintendo 3DS has 37 percent, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System has 36 percent, the Wii has 34 percent, the N64 has 29 percent, the Wii U has 22 percent and the Nintendo Entertainment System has 19 percent Percent.

These are surprisingly high values ​​and a certain proportion of the votes could be incorrectly attributed to the former rather than the current ownership. But when we created the survey, we were also amazed at how many boxes we were able to tick.

Results of previous surveys:

There were a total of 30 consoles and handhelds to choose from. The provides an overall overview now closed survey, which reveals the end result. Please note that the percentages refer to the total number of votes and not the participants. The comments written there also make it clear that players actually accumulate a lot of hardware over the years.

Further reports on the survey.

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