When will the next-gen update be released today? Notes on the time

Fallout 4 is getting a next-gen update today: The new Patch will be available later today on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC available for download. Players are puzzling over what time they can return to the technically upgraded Commonwealth – one Start time does not name Bethesda. However, there now seem to be solid indications of activation. Because: Im Main menu of the action role-playing game A small information board has recently appeared (see screenshot) that at least gives an idea of ​​when the Fallout 4 next-gen update could be launched.

Unlock: When will the Fallout 4 next-gen update appear?


Source: PC Games

When will the next-gen update be released today?

So the developers announce that the Mods and the Creation Club undergoing maintenance today be subjected to. A specific time is also mentioned: The Maintenance from 12 noon German time. So it stands to reason that Fallout 4 (buy now / €6.25 ) Next-gen update will be released for download around lunchtime. After the maintenance, the action role-playing game should be playable again as usual. For the free update, the developers promise “native applications for Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5, performance mode and quality mode settings as well as stability improvements and bug fixes.” Fallout 4 This means you can play at up to 60 fps and in higher resolutions.

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What's in the PC update?

On PS4 and Xbox One, Fallout 4 will receive a free update with stability improvements as well Login and quest bug fixes get donated. Players on PC are now receiving an update that brings widescreen and ultra-widescreen support. There are also bug fixes for the Creation Kit and a “series of quests”. Fallout 4 is also being verified for the Steam Deck.
