What is the Whoo app, why is it needed and why is everyone downloading it

Sometimes you look at the top apps in some section of the App Store and can’t figure out how a program got there.This is exactly what happened with whoowhich ranks first among all free apps in Apple Store.And there is nothing particularly outstanding in it.Whoo allows you to share your location online with other users that you previously added to your friends list.

Whoo recently received Russian localization and immediately took off to the top of the App Store.


In fact, this application is more like a social network, only the central feature in it is not sharing photos or some text entries, but geolocation.We tell what whoo appwhy it is needed and what opportunities it offers users.

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Whoo App – Location

First of all, it is worth understanding that Whoo is not an application for spying on people.In order for you to see someone’s geolocation, the person must at least be registered with Whoo and at the same time add you as a friend.For security, the latest location is only updated if the user logs into the app.Not to say that this is ideal protection, but better than nothing.

Whoo app - location.Whoo is a temporary exclusive for iOS users.A photo.

Whoo is a temporary exclusive for iOS users.

Before you decide to download and install whoo, it is worth mentioning the data that the application collects about you.Since its essence is to determine the geolocation, the program, after authorization, will ask you for permanent access to the geolocation.Yes, you didn’t think so.Not “when using the app” or “Once”.The application will ask for permanent access very persistently.

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And if at the first entry the request can still be deceived, then in subsequent times it will have to be provided if you still want to use Whoo.In addition to this, the application does not work without registration.Therefore, I advise you to go through it with the help Sign in with Apple buttons and hide the main e-mail.This will avoid any unnecessary mailings to your email address.

Whoo – download app

If everything suits you, then you can proceed to download the application and register in it.Make sure you have 75MB free on your iPhone and do the following:

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Whoo - download the application.Signing in with Apple allows you to sign up very quickly.A photo.

Signing in with Apple allows you to sign up very quickly.

  • Navigate by this link and download Whoo from the App Store.
  • After the application is installed, open it and select a convenient registration method.
  • If you choose Sign in with Apple, you will need to decide whether or not to hide your email and confirm authorization using Face ID or Touch ID.
  • Next, the application will ask you to come up with a username and ID.
  • After all the data has been entered, you need to attach an avatar from the gallery or take a picture with the camera.I didn’t manage to bypass this stage, so be prepared to use a photo or some kind of picture.
  • The application will ask permanent access to geolocation and sending notifications.Geolocation will have to be transmitted on an ongoing basis, but activation of notifications, although intrusive, is optional.


Once all the data is filled in, you will have access to a map that will display your geolocation.Registration on this is completed, and you can begin to fully use the application.

Whoo with a dear friend

Without friends or acquaintances, Whoo doesn’t make much sense.After all, its essence is just to communicate and share different information.Therefore, using the big plus at the bottom of the screen, you can add people as friends using the search.It can also be done with scanning a QR code.If you have such code, then do the following:

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Whoo with a dear friend.Adding someone as a friend is very easy.A photo.

Adding someone as a friend is very easy.

  • Click on the “+” at the bottom of the map.
  • Click on the “+” again to open your QR code.
  • Select the QR code icon in the top right corner and allow Whoo access to the camera.
  • Point your camera at the QR code and the app will prompt you to send a friend request.

As soon as the user confirms the application, you can find him by clicking on the “+” at the bottom of the page.Plus, now his geolocation will be displayed on your map in the same way as yours.So that you do not have to use another application for communication, a messenger is built right into Whoo.It opens by clicking on the icon in the lower left corner.Just choose the interlocutor there and write to him.


For those who do not want to correspond, but somehow want to respond to geolocation, there are special reactions.They open with a tap on your friend’s avatar.It remains only to select the emoji of interest, and he will go to the addressee.At the same time, the recipient will see it in full screen.

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Whoo with a dear friend.Localization in some places is very lame.For example, this is what a development plan looks like.A photo.

Localization in some places is very lame.For example, this is what a development plan looks like.

Strictly speaking, this is where all the functions of the application end at the moment.The developers got a social network at the minimum wage interspersed with the Korean language, which is not fully translated in some places.For example, in the section reporting on the development of the application and its prospects.In particular, the release of Whoo for Android and implementing Home, School, and Work statuses so your friends know exactly when you can distract you from important things.

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