Unveiling the Secrets to Unlocking and Improving Your Home

News tip Housing No Rest for the Wicked: How to unlock and improve your house?


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With its emphasis on resource gathering and crafting, it's no surprise that No Rest for the Wicked also features some housing. If you want to buy your house and furnish it as you wish, however, you will first need to go through a few prerequisites. We will explain everything to you.


Summary of all our guides on No Rest for the Wicked


  • How to unlock buying a house in No Rest for the Wicked?
  • What is housing for and how to use it properly?

In No Rest for the Wicked, you will spend a lot of time collecting resources and then using them to improve your outfits and your weapons, or even to help rebuild the city of Sacrament. As such, you will therefore make several trips back and forth between the stores and your first safe, which is likely to fill up very quickly. To overcome this problem, one of the most effective solutions is tobuy your own house. However, you will first need to complete some side quest to be able to get there.

To unlock housing in No Rest for the Wicked, you will first need to complete a fairly lengthy side quest called Rats and Raiders. You can start it by talking to Winnick has Sacrament after spending your first night at La Roquerie. The latter is located at the level of prison (see screen above). After talking to him, you will have to return to the Whisper of the Cérimes of the Glades of Orban that you found on the way to Sacrament and go north. From there, follow your map to reach the exclamation point where you will have to face the General Darak. Once defeated, you will have to return to town to speak to Odessathen free a prisoner and go to the Shallows so that it gives you access to the Black ditch, a side level that should take you some time. At the end of the latter, you will have to fight again against the General DarakThen Winnick will come and congratulate you and grant you citizenship of Sacrament, which will allow you to buy your house.

Housing No Rest for the Wicked: How to unlock and improve your house?

Once you have unlocked the opportunity to buy a house in Sacrament, all you have to do is take action. You will then have the choice between three different locations increasingly larger costing respectively 20, 25 and 30 silver coins. If you're really looking for the most convenient location, we recommend investing in the 25 silver house (it's in the center of town, right next to the builder NPC), but the choice is yours .

The main advantage of housing is simply to be able to place everything you need to manage crafting in No Rest for the Wicked.. Rather than scattering around going to all the stores in Sacrament, with a busy house, you will be able to do everything in one place. To make good use of your home, however, you will need to purchase some furniture. Once you are the owner, we advise you to visit the builder and to buy from him everything he has to sell. These are in fact pieces of furniture dedicated to crafting which will be useful for you to create weapons, outfits or transform resources.

Housing No Rest for the Wicked: How to unlock and improve your house?Housing No Rest for the Wicked: How to unlock and improve your house?

In addition to these craft workshops, the most important furniture to buy is of course the coffers in which you can store all your items. You will find them for sale at the Carpenter, right next to the enchantress and the blacksmith. Note that the latter only sells small chests at level 1, but that the more you level up using the builder, the more he will offer you better furniture, including larger chests. Once the furniture is in your inventory, all you have to do is place it at your convenience in your house to use it.. Note that you can definitely buy several chests while waiting to have bigger ones. Of course, the carpenter also sells all kinds of decorative furniture to make your house a real home.


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