Sony wants to continue creating the “best PlayStation experiences.”

Sony is apparently looking for more players to take part in studies and help take the PlayStation experience to a new level.

Sony is constantly striving to improve the PlayStation experience. The opinions of the players should also play a role in this project. A research program was started in this context years ago.


It seems that Sony is currently looking for further feedback. Because like users in the report on social networksthey received an email in the last few days asking them to participate.

Passionate gamers are addressed

Since “” involves a different domain, the question also arose as to whether this might be a phishing method. But years ago players could be reassured in this regard.

What is the research program about? Sony writes: “Are you a passionate gamer who wants to give us feedback on the games you love? Whether it’s through play testing or interviews, we’re always looking for new ways for participants to share their opinions with us so we can create the best PlayStation experiences for our customers.”

Interested players can visit the official PlayStation website register for the program. However, the company seems to focus on English-language feedback, as the registration page, for example, is not available in a German-language version.


Compensation for time and expertise

Once players are registered, they are selected for individual trials under certain conditions. Habits and preferences are crucial. “If a study is offered that matches your player profile, you may be contacted by email or telephone to see if you are available and qualified,” writes Sony.

These sometimes seem to be studies that require a lot of time from the participants. In some studies they even receive “compensation for their time and expertise”.

The focus is primarily on video games. Sony continues: “Here is your chance to contribute to the development of your favorite games. Register now and help us ensure that gaming has no limits through your direct commitment.”

As mentioned: The program is anything but new. However, the emails that are currently being sent more frequently indicate that further studies are imminent. In the case of “Helldivers 2” The feedback on Steam can also be used for an analysis:

While German players are left out: What feedback would you generally give Sony about the game portfolio at the moment? What do you like? What don't you like at all?

More news about Sony.

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