Netflix Makes History: Sci-fi Film Receives Unprecedented 0% Rating

Culture news Historic feat for Netflix: this sci-fi film obtained the perfect score of… 0%!


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In the abundant world of streaming, where platforms compete in ingenuity to capture the attention of viewers with ever more varied and innovative content, Netflix occupies a special place. The undisputed leader, the SVOD service is recognized for its ability to produce quality series and films that enjoy worldwide success. However, she is not immune to resounding failures, as evidenced by one of her films which achieved the feat of obtaining a perfect score of 0%.


A perfect score of 0%

In Netflix's large catalog, we find nuggets like turnips. And among these, one film sadly stands out: The Last Days of American Crime. Released in 2020, this futuristic thriller directed by Olivier Megaton (The Transporter 3, Taken 2, Taken 3) has received harsh criticism, reaching a rare occurrence: 0% positive opinions on RottenTomatoes. This score, which says a lot, underlines a unanimously negative critical reception, a rather rare situation in the industry. However, this film is part of a genre that normally has a solid base of loyal fans.

Despite an forgiving community, this Netflix Original failed to convince anyone from the press. A performance that raises questions about Netflix's selection criteria and content strategy. The Last Days of American Crime was also not a success with the public. The film quickly sank into anonymity, and its failure was devastating for Netflix. This episode illustrates the difficulties that the platform sometimes encounters in identifying films that will appeal to its subscribers. Despite a rich and varied catalog, Netflix is ​​not immune to bitter flops.

A predictable failure?

The reasons for this failure are multiple. First of all, it is crucial to understand that making a film is a complex exercise that involves many factors, from the script to the direction, including acting and artistic direction. A misstep in any of these areas can seriously impact a film's reception. Moreover, Netflix, in its constant quest for content to satisfy the diverse tastes of its global audience, sometimes takes risks, adopting bold proposals or experimenting. While this strategy has often been successful, it can also lead to less favorable results.

Adapted from a graphic novel of the same name, The Last Days of American Crime takes place in a dystopian future where an electromagnetic pulse has thrown the United States into chaos. A group of outlaws then tries to take advantage of this situation to revolt against the power in place. The film was criticized for its simplistic and implausible storyline, poor dialogue and banal direction. Many spectators also pointed out the racist and sexist nature of the film, which depicts a society dominated by white men.

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