The Witcher 3 fans realize they've been using fast travel wrong for years 🎮🤯 – Next Stage

The followers of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt no doubt know every nook and cranny of this captivating game. However, despite spending countless hours roaming this teeming world, a surprising revelation regarding fast travel recently emerged on online forums, leaving even gaming veterans stunned. This tip, which concerns the use of boats to move quickly between different points on the map, clearly shows that the universe of Geralt of Rivia is always full of secrets to discover.

Discover a new dimension of fast travel

Imagine wandering through the vast expanses of The Witcher 3, thinking he has mastered all aspects of movement in the game. It is then that a revelation turns everything upside down. One player, after more than 200 hours of play, shared his amazement at discovering the possibility of fast travel using boats, specifically using the “harbors” marked on the world map. This feature, although present from the beginning, seems to have escaped many players, making quests, notably the Isle of Mists, more complicated than they should have been.


Sharing this tip sparked a wave of reactions among the community, highlighting how even the most dedicated players can miss crucial details. Another fan, equally astonished, expressed his amazement, noting how it is possible to play multiple times without noticing certain features. This discovery illustrates the incredible richness of The Witcher 3 and its potential to surprise its players, even after many hours of exploration.

A world of secrets still unexplored

Beyond this quick travel tip, The Witcher 3 is a reservoir of mysteries and easter eggs waiting to be discovered. This anecdote about fast travel is just one example of many that reveal the depth and complexity of this world. Added to this is the promise of new adventures with the announcement of a surprise expansion planned for the end of the month, promising to plunge Geralt into unknown territories. Developers CD Projekt Red continue to feed our appetite for this universe, despite the wait before the release of their next title.

The community around The Witcher 3 shows a boundless passion for the game, tirelessly seeking to reveal all its secrets. The excitement surrounding these discoveries is testament to the enduring relationship that fans have with the game, constantly searching for new nuggets hidden in its vast monster-hunting lands. For those who thought they knew the game like the back of their hand, this new way of traveling is a reminder that The Witcher 3 still has a lot to offer.

Looking to the future and upcoming expansions

The prospect of further expansion for The Witcher 3 sparks immense anticipation among fans. Intended to further enrich the already dense lore of the game, this expansion promises to launch Geralt into new adventures which, without a doubt, will be full of secrets to elucidate. The hope of unearthing new mysteries stimulates the community, eager to dive back into this fascinating world.


CD Projekt Red has already proven its ability to create immersive and detailed worlds, reinforcing fans' impatience for the next iteration of the saga The Witcher. The promise of unknown adventures and surprising revelations reminds players that the journey with Geralt is far from over. Renewed interest in travel tips and undiscovered secrets highlights the community's devotion and deep attachment to the gaming universe.

The implications of these findings for gamers

The rediscovery of the fast travel by boat functionality in The Witcher 3 highlights a fascinating truth about video games: no matter how much time passes, there will always be new dimensions to explore. This exchange of knowledge and experience between players enriches the collective experience, encouraging dynamic sharing of strategies and discoveries. This travel tip highlights the importance of community in evolving the way people play and discovering new facets of a game.

Players looking to optimize their gaming experience will find this tip a way to navigate the world of The Witcher 3 with more efficiency and fluidity. This is a valuable lesson in the importance of patient exploration and attention to detail in large and complex role-playing games. As we eagerly await the new things to come, let us rejoice in the past discoveries and future surprises that the world of The Witcher has yet to be revealed.

Finally, if you are fascinated by unexpected revelations in the world of gaming, you may be interested in the discovery of the hidden powers of a character from Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. This detailed analysis promises to add yet another layer of depth to our appreciation of video games and their endless worlds.
