The Warhammer video game festival returns in May

This year too, Games Workshop is holding its own event, “Warhammer Skulls”, about the company’s video game division.

In an announcement to the gaming community, Games Workshop has announced that the annual Warhammer Skulls event is returning on May 23rd with a host of new additions and updates. The event, which has attracted “Warhammer” fans for years, is set to get even bigger this year. A variety of revelations and announcements are promised.


The highlight of this year's “Warhammer Skulls” showcase will be presented by Rahul Kohli. The actor is an avowed Warhammer fan and star of television series such as “Midnight Mass” and “The Haunting of Bly Manor”. Kohli stated that he is particularly looking forward to news about Space Marine 2.

“Warhammer Skulls 2024” will be a platform for games like the highly anticipated one “Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2”. But games that have already been released such as the retro-style “Boltgun” will also make an appearance. Updates and reveals on a number of other titles are forthcoming.

Expected highlights include new information on plans featuring Rogue Trader, Tacticus, Battlesector, Warpforge, and Darktide. Additionally, fans will also be excited for updates on “Blood Bowl 3” and “Total War: Warhammer.” Both are among the most popular games in the “Warhammer” community.

A week of discounts on Warhammer games

Another reason to be happy for “Warhammer” fans is the many offers that come with the event. Starting May 23rd, players can benefit from discounts of up to 90 percent on selected titles across all platforms for a whole week. This offers fans an excellent opportunity to purchase games at a discounted price.


If you would like to follow the event live, you can watch the showcase on May 23rd from 5:00 p.m. on the official website “Warhammer” channel watch on This offers fans worldwide the opportunity to experience the reveals in real time and be part of the growing Warhammer community.

Which updates and special offers will actually come and which surprises Games Workshop still has in store will only be shown at the show on Thursday.

More news about Warhammer Skulls.

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