Star Wars Outlaws: An exciting new entry

One of the completely new factions that we are confronted with in “Star Wars Outlaws” is the Ashiga. In an interview conducted by GameInformer, the developers at Ubisoft Massive gave us more details about the new Ashiga clan.

This month, Ubisoft provided us with a detailed information update on the open-world adventure “Star Wars Outlaws”. On the one hand, the publisher confirmed a publication in August this year.


Other interesting details included the renunciation on a controversial game mechanic from previous open-world titles from Ubisoft, the content the season pass or the fact that the well-known card game Sabacc in “Star Wars Outlaws” was featured in a video game for the first time will be represented.

In an interview conducted and published by GameInformer, the developers at Ubisoft Massive gave us details about another innovation. We're talking about the completely new Ashiga clan, which, according to creative director Julian Gerighty, like elements like the protagonist Kay Vess, was designed for “Star Wars Outlaws” in close collaboration with Lucasfilm Games.

That's what the Ashiga is all about

According to Gerighty, the Ashiga maintain a large presence on Kijimi (a planet most famous for its role in The Rise of Skywalker). However, the plan to expand the clan's influence beyond Kijimi caused various setbacks. Therefore, in Star Wars Outlaws, the Ashiga find themselves at a crossroads that will determine their future.

“They have a long tradition and certain events in recent history have brought them to a fork in the road where there are different ways they could move forward. But they don’t necessarily agree on what the best path forward looks like,” added Associate Narrative John Björling.


The studio describes the new clan as an insectoid, humanoid species called Melitto. Its inner life can be described as a kind of anthill with a strong hierarchy: “It is a syndicate with a long tradition.”

“They have a strong hierarchy, and it's a lot about putting the Hive before yourself. I think these aspects make it a unique type of crime syndicate.”

Ubisoft Massive on collaboration with Lucas Film Games

As the interview continued, Ubisoft Massive went into more detail about the collaboration with Ubisoft Massive. “We have several conversations with them every week. In these we tell them what we would like to do. We express our intentions and they challenge us,” Gerighty continued.

“We do this exchange over several weeks to get the language right, represent the lore correctly and make sure it becomes part of the Star Wars canon.”

The creative director added: “The Ashiga clan is now part of the Star Wars canon. Toshara is now part of the Star Wars canon. And it’s extremely satisfying when you get to help design a creature as endearing and terrifying as Nix and have it become part of one of the most recognizable brands in the world.”

“Star Wars Outlaws” will be released on August 30, 2024 for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. We have details about the different editions that will be offered at launch here summarized for you.

Source: GameInformer

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