Optimal Route for Navigating Bosses and Zones in Elden Ring: How to Minimize Struggle

Elden Ring is From Software’s first open world game and therefore offers you a lot of freedom. However, it’s difficult to know where to go to follow the story, but also to have an optimal difficulty curve. So, in this guide, we tell you more about the order of the game areas, but also the ideal order of bosses.

All areas accessible from the start of the game!

Let’s start by telling you that contrary to what one might believe during the first hours of play, the Elden Ring map is massive, with many accessible regions. For the majority of players, These regions will be discovered after killing major bosses.


These are the ones who will give you major runes when they die and who will allow you to access a new region afterwards. Except that almost all regions of the game are accessible from level 1 if you wish, most often bypassing bosses.

Therefore, if there is one that poses a problem to you, know that you can simply continue your adventure, gain experience and come back to face it later to finally defeat it. However, in this article, we will first present to you an optimal route in terms of areas to discover.

Then, in the last part, we will advise you with a “roadbook” which will allow you to understand what is the optimal order for the bosses, except for minor bosses that you can face without focusing too much on the order during your explorations.

In what order do the different areas of Elden Ring?

For those who are not necessarily used to open world games, or who simply want to optimize their playing time, a certain HexTheHardcoreCasual on Reddit has made available a very practical world map, which advises you on the order in which to complete areas of the game.


The purpose of this, as its author indicates, is to give you the order in which to complete the zones, all based on the difficulty and the rewards therein. This prevents you from starting zones at too low a level, but also to start others with a level that is much too high.

On this map, the blue arrows indicate the ideal path, while the numbers must be followed in order. This is a great move, especially for new players who might be afraid of getting lost in the vast open world of Elden Ring.

You can obviously play the game in the order you want, this list does not necessarily make the game easierwe think that it rather allows you to have the perfect level for each of the zones (which does not make the game any simpler).

In what order should you do Elden Ring bosses?

Now that we have just seen in what order to approach the regions of the game, let’s now focus on the order of the bosses. To help you, we will classify them for you by region and we’ll redirect you to links for each to make the fight easier.

The first bosses of Necrolimbe

  1. Margit the Fallen: This is the first big boss you will face upon returning to Veilage Castle
  2. Godrick the Grafted: After defeating Margit and exploring the castle, this is the first major boss that stands in your way.
  3. Leonine Chimera: Boss of the southern castle of Necrolimbre, take the opportunity to complete Irina’s quest
  4. Ancestral Spirit: You should now be able to go to Siofra and face this rather simple boss

Liurnia Boss Order

  1. Loretta, royal knight: Boss of the Caria mansion that you can also do after those of the Raya Lucaria Academy if you want to get straight to the heart of the matter
  2. Crimson Wolf of Radagon: First boss of Raya Lucaria Academy, once you find the Stone Key of Shard.
  3. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon: Second major boss, at the end of the Academy
  4. Draconid Soldier: Boss of the underground region of Liurnia, the Ainsel
  5. Makar the magma dragon: Allows you to unlock the Altus Plateau

Unlock access to Nokron

  1. Radahn, the scourge of the stars: Third major boss, you must defeat him to open access to Nokron
  2. Imitative Tear: Take the opportunity to collect the ashes of war
  3. Royal ancestral spirit
  4. Valiant Gargoyles

The order of the bosses of the capital and the Altus Plateau

  1. Dragon Sentinel of the Tree
  2. Godfrey, First Lord of Elden
  3. Morgott, King of the Forsaken: Fourth major boss of Elden Ring
  4. Mohg the Forsaken: In the Prison of the Forsaken
  5. Bramble Elemer
  6. Fortissax, the Draconic Lich: In the underground area of Rootroot Depths

Volcano Manor Boss Order

  1. Noble Sanctechair
  2. Serpent Devourer of Gods: At the end of the Volcano Manor quests

What order for the Summit of Giants?

  1. Commander Niall: at the castle in the north of the zone
  2. Fire Giant

The last bosses to face

  1. Mohg lord of blood: Go through Varré’s quests
  2. Loretta, Knight of the Sacred Tree
  3. Sanctechair Duo: In the Ruins of Farum Azula
  4. Placidusax, Dragon Lord: Also do the Milicent quest
  5. Malenia, Sword of Miquella: The boss known to be the hardest in the game
  6. Maliketh, the Ebony Blade: Last boss of Farum Azula before the final rush
  7. Gideon Ofnir
  8. Haorah Loux
  9. Radagon of the Golden Order: The final boss in two parts
