Exciting News from a Creative Studio – Don’t Miss Out!

Nothing seems to stop Larian Studios. Not content with having won everything in its path with Baldur's Gate 3, the company is thinking big for its next chapter.

With Divinity Original Sin 2, Larian Studios had carved out a nice reputation for itself, but it took on a whole new dimension with the release of Baldur's Gate 3. The challenge was risky for the Belgian developers, but the bet was won hands down . The game and the studio have won everything in their path, the prestigious GOTY titles, the awards, sales that exceed all expectations… a beautiful critical D20! However, there is no question of them going only where they are expected. No Baldur's Gate 4 from them, no more Dungeons & Dragons, but two other games that we are promised to be more ambitious. And to realize its vision, Larian Studios will strengthen its ranks.


After the success of Baldur's Gate 3, Larian expands its ranks

Larian will turn the page on Baldur's Gate 3, but another chapter will open. This Monday, May 20, 2024, the independent company announced the opening of a whole new studio in Poland, where video game development continues to grow. It is also a safe bet that they will attract local talent from CD Projekt Red, Techland, 11 Bit Studios or Blooper Team (to name a few) with their call for tenders. Larian Warsaw should therefore support the main studio based in Belgium, like its comrades based in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain and Malaysia, on the development of the next two productions.

With two very ambitious RPGs now beginning development, what better way to realize our vision than to expand the team and open a seventh studio in the heart of the Polish gaming scene », Declared the developer of Baldur's Gate 3 on his social networks. Few details are known to date about these future games, except that they will be based on its own original licenses. “We won't do Baldur's Gate 4, which everyone expects from us. We are going to move forward, move away from D&D, and start creating something new,” said Swen Vinke, director of Larian, recently who also excluded a Divinity Original Sin 3.

Larian Warsaw joins the big family ©Larian

Baldur's Gate 3 is not completely abandoned, however. Part of the workforce continues to follow up on its multi-award winning blockbuster. A new major update bringing new endings will be deployed soon, while a photo mode and cross-platform modding solutions are still on the agenda. However, you should not expect DLC, Larian having been very formal on the subject.
