Misleading Reflections (Haunting Case)

To trigger this Haunting Case, you will have to go very far to the west from Fort Jericho to find the Bligh domain surrounded by a magnificent fence. Here, follow the cries of a ghost to find John, recently widowed. After the conversation, enter his cabin next door and look at the documents on the table to get the servants' key. Look at the footprints next to the bed and go back out to talk to John.

You will now have to go search the barn located just in front of the house to reveal an echo using a Listening Song ritual. Before leaving, read the letter on the table then follow the spectral trail until you find a small tunnel on your right.


At the end of the tunnel, turn left out to find a bench at the end of the cliff to the southeast where you can trigger an echo to listen to. Then, turn right, go down a little and turn immediately left. Destroy the rocks you find at the end. Move forward to find an insidious ivy below to open. From this point, aim at the wisps in front and then turn around to go back where you came from and find one last wisp to destroy to open the ivy.

Go back down to where you opened the ivy to go down to the bottom and find the entrance where Abigail died thanks to an echo present. Go back up following the path and take the tunnel again. You can head towards the Bligh mansion where you will be interrupted by the ghost of Abigail.

Fight specters on the road then go around the mansion to the left to find a door that you open with your key. Once inside, you will have to find and destroy three insidious ivies in a row.

Start by reaching the stairs and going up one floor. Turn around and open the heart of the ivy to destroy the wisps located not far away, including one at the very top of the building. Then go back down and go into the kitchen located to the northeast to open the heart and destroy the only will-o'-the-wisp there as well as a second one at the top of the stairs. Finally, return to the hallway from where you entered the mansion to open the last heart and find the two will-o'-the-wisps at the end of the hallway and just to the right of the heart.


After this, go back upstairs and take the corridor heading southeast to the top of the stairs. Turn right to find a room at the end in which you will find the master key, then leave this room. Then go to the room located to the northeast and perform a Listening Song ritual on a box placed on the ground to learn more about what is happening here.

After the discussion with Abigail's ghost, exit the room and enter the one opposite the broken floor (you can listen to an echo along the railing of the stairs). Go down below and eliminate several recalcitrant specters. You will have to destroy a new insidious ivy with wisps nearby.

Exiting this trapped room, return upstairs and find the room where John and Abigail's ghost are to the northeast. It is high time to make your decision regarding this Haunting Case.

  • You can choose to Blame John : this contributes to Antea's resurrection.
  • But you can also choose toRaise or Banishing Abigail's Ghost : contributes to Antea's rise.

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