Game Director Shaun Rivera Plans to Co-create Fighting Game ‘2XKO’ with Players – EVO Japan 2024 Update

“EVO Japan 2024” was a grand fighting game festival held at Ariake GYM-EX. Here, we will introduce “2XKO (Two X K-O)” trial booth was also set up, and it was crowded with fighting game fans from all over the world.

This title, which will be developed as a spin-off of “League of Legends (LoL),” is the first fighting game for Riot Games, which has previously worked on game titles in genres such as MOBA and FPS.Basic play is free, and a 2on2 battle system is adopted.doing.


This time, I had the opportunity to interview the developer at the time of “EVO Japan 2024”, so in this articleGame Director Shaun RiveraWe asked him about his thoughts on Riot Games' first fighting game.

In charge of game designerArticle by Kyohei Lehr, aka “MarlinPie”, a former professional gamerPlease read this as well.

◆I want to convey the fun of fighting games to the world

ーーThank you for your time today. First of all, please tell us the meaning behind the title “2XKO”.

Mr. Shaun Rivera (hereinafter referred to as Shaun):We were conscious of a game title that would be associated with “fighting games” and a name that was not found in existing games. “2XKO'' simply means victory if you knock out your opponent twice.


–This is Riot Games' first “fighting game”. What points did you keep in mind when developing it?

Shaun:We want this work to be a game that is created together with the players. While communicating with players, we will update the game to make it more and more fun based on the feedback we receive.

Also, through this work, we want to “convey the fun of fighting games to the world.'' I want to further stimulate the fighting game community, and I want to create an opportunity for beginners who don't know about fighting games to learn about the appeal of fighting games.

–Can it be enjoyed not only by fighting gamers but also by LoL players?

Shaun:of course. “LoL” players ask us almost every day, “I want you to include my favorite champion!” That's why so many people love the champion. While listening carefully to the opinions of these players, I would like to portray champions that were not shown in LoL.

For example, in this work, when Illaoi activates her ultimate skill, the large eyes of the god she worships, Nagakeiboros, appear and widen wide. This kind of appearance of champions that has not been seen in “LoL” is one of the elements that “LoL” players can enjoy.

In addition to the champions, in the stage “Spirit Hills” set in Ionia, there is a large whale called Cloud Drinker floating around, so that you can fully enjoy the world view of “LoL” in small details such as stages and NPCs. It has become. I would like LoL players to look for small elements like this.

◆Contents other than PvP will reflect player feedback.

–Are there any champions you recommend when playing this game?

Shaun:In this game, the way you fight changes depending on the combination of champions in 2on2 and how you choose the “fuse” that gives you characteristics. Each combination will have a completely different play style, so try out various combinations to find what suits you best.

Lately, I've been working on a team of “Echo” and “Ahri,” and I've been liking Hughes to use “Double Down,” which connects the two's ultimate skills.

–In addition to the PvP battle mode, are there any other content such as PvE or mini-games?

Shaun:I don't have much to say about the non-competitive modes yet.

However, as I said at the beginning, I would like to create this work together with the players. So, on the other hand, I would like to ask the players, “What do you want to play?''

–I'll tell the readers as well. Thank you for today.

True to Shaun Rivera's desire to “spread the fun of fighting games to the world,” 2XKO can be played by a wide range of players, from old LoL fans to fighting game players and beginners. This game, which everyone can't wait to play, is free to play and is scheduled for release in 2025 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.
