Jujutsu Kaisen: A New Manga Video Game Adaptation with Minimum Service

The first console game in the universe of Gege Akutami’s famous manga, Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash, is far from paying homage to the original work.

Cursed Clash is the first console game adapted from Gege Akutami’s successful manga, Jujutsu Kaisen. This is a 3D arena fighting game – classic for anime titles – developed by Byking Inc and Gemdrops. Here you can play two against two by making different combos with 16 playable characters (at least at launch). Characters whose level can be increased to unlock even more powerful attacks. You have the option to play locally, online, or in a special mode with waves of plagues (the enemies of the game) in cooperation with a player or an AI. There is also a story mode based on season 1 of the anime and movie Jujustu Kaisen 0.


Why is it bad

If you skimmed the reviews of the game a little, you may have realized that Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash is far from being unanimously acclaimed. We haven’t written a test, but TheXsable was able to play it and will give us his impressions in this JV Fast. Upon arrival on the menu, we notice a lack of finish with the few modes available. The story mode doesn’t really pay homage to the original work, with cutscenes based on images from the anime and simple texts as dialogue. In addition, the character selection screen is as austere as possible with the absence of splashart people.

In terms of gameplay during combat, it’s quite limited with three buttons, including one for making combos which are more than enough to finish off your enemies. The characters are also a bit stiff to control. Since only the timer can finish the match, allow a good 5 minutes to finish a classic versus. In short, for a first console game in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen, which has been the best-selling manga in Japan for two years, it’s a bit sad. If you want to know TheXsable’s full review to get an overview of the game, be sure to watch our JV Fast.
