Is the Sophon in The 3-Body Problem a plausible entity?

The sophons play a determining role in the plot of The 3-Body Problem. Called intellectrons in the novels, they challenge physical knowledge.

With The 3-body problemthe writer Liu Cixin chose to include his story in the hard sci-fi. To be in the spotlight of this literary genre, science and technologies must be plausible. No traveling faster than light like the superluminal speed of Star Wars, SO. The narrative must be consistent with the state of knowledge.


However, the events occurring in The 3-body problem challenge scientific and technical foundations. Thus, the Chinese novelist brings out “sophons” in the plot (in the book, they are called “intellectrons”). And the least we can say is that their description and their role somewhat defy reality.

The following contains spoilers.

Jin in The 3-Body Problem. // Source: Netflix
Put on your anti-spoiler mask. // Source: Netflix

What is a sophon (intellectron)?

In the story, a sophon (or intellectron) is presented as a proton, that is to say a subatomic particle commonly found in atoms (they form the nucleus with neutrons, around which electrons are located ). Except that this proton received special treatment from the San-Ti, the adversaries of humanity.

According to the explanations given at the end of episode 5 (Last judgement), the sophon is a proton which has been “ transformed into a conscious computer. » This obviously seems implausible given the infinitesimal dimensions of the proton — its size is of the order of a femtometer, that is to say a millionth of a billionth of a meter.


This excessively futuristic computer is also very intelligent, with AI giving it the ability to make its own decisions. However, its primary objective remains to defend the interests of the San-Ti. In this case, this translates into scientific guerrilla warfare, in order to prevent humanity from making further progress.

How can the sophon be so small?

There is a trick: multi-dimensional spaces. We are used to one with three dimensions (width, length, depth), to which we can add a fourth: time. It's space-time. Gold in The 3-body problemthe San-Ti say they know how to manipulate additional dimensions, of which we would not be aware.

This is what the avatar used by the San-Ti to threaten humanity says: “ The universe contains many other dimensions than the three we occupy. They are hidden, folded to the point of becoming completely invisible. But we have the technology to unfold them. We deploy energies you can only imagine and concentrate them into a single proton. »

Source: NetflixSource: Netflix
The creation of the sophon. // Source: Netflix

The explanation given by the character seems to echo an area of ​​theoretical physics on additional dimensions. Here, it is admitted that there would be extended dimensions, but which would be tiny, because they are rolled up on themselves. There Kaluza-Klein theory deals with a 5-dimensional space-time, for example.

According to the San-Ti, a sophon has a “ mind as big as a planet », all concentrated on a subatomic particle, thanks to the operations which allow the dimensions to be unfolded and refolded. “ Even the tiniest proton can become infinitely large », Explains the San-Ti avatar, at the moment when an immense structure springs into the sky.

How did the sophons get to Earth?

A proton has almost zero mass (1.66 × 10−27 kg). This is the yoctogram scale. Since it weighs almost nothing, “ it is very easy to propel it almost at the speed of light », indicates the character. We do not know at what speed the sophon traveled through space, but for comparison, the photon travels at almost 300,000 km/s.

We know that the planetary system where the San-Ti are located is 4 light years away from the solar system. If the sophon travels almost at the speed of light, it took it about four years (probably a little more) to cross the spatial gulf separating its starting point from its destination.

Compared to when the events of the series take place, we know that the sophons entered the solar system months ago. We also learn that there are four of them — their creation required the mobilization of all the resources of the San-Ti to reduce planetary supercomputers to the subatomic scale.

Sophon largeSophon large
Source: Netflix

How do they communicate in The 3-Body Problem?

It is explained that these four sophons are actually grouped into two pairs of two. “ Each pair is intertwined, connected at the quantum level. » Two remained with the San-Ti and two were sent to Earth. “TEverything they see and hear, we see and hear with them. And this, light years away. »

The series here summons another notion of physics, quantum entanglement. Here, two linked particles exhibit surprising properties. Even though they are separated by great distances, the measurement on one of them seems to have an instantaneous effect on the other. This phenomenon allowed Alain Aspect, a Frenchman, to win the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022.

What are they for ? Why were they sent?

The San-Ti understood that humanity evolves scientifically very quickly, because it is on a stable planetary system: there is no chaotic era. This therefore avoids starting its development from scratch. The San-Ti aren't so lucky: if you're this far in the series, you probably know why.

Humanity not only benefits from a stable environment, but also seems to have science and technology that is advancing faster and faster. Agriculture, industrial revolution, nuclear, computer, AI… everything seems to take less and less time. Now, this is a problem for the San-Ti invasion fleet.

Indeed, when it arrives, humanity will probably have made enough progress to give the aliens a beating. We must therefore break humanity's technical tools, so that it remains at its current stage of development. Here again, we understand in retrospect why scientists have committed suicide since the beginning of the series.

Source: NetflixSource: Netflix
Phew science. // Source: Netflix

We have sent them to your planet to the places where your greatest minds explore reality at its most fundamental scale (in particle accelerators, for example, Editor's note) and we are going to destroy the science that could defeat us. The answers to your questions will be chaotic and meaningless », say the San-Ti.

The universe will forever remain a mystery to you. Instead of truth, we give you miracles. We envelop your world in illusions. We will show you what we want. We are everywhere, all the time. We watch you, we learn your secrets », they add. And to conclude: “We will make you rediscover fear. »

Are sophons scientifically credible?

There remains a natural question: are the sophons credible enough on a scientific level to respond to the genre of hard SF? This question has a rather negative answer, according to Matt Kenzie, associate professor of physics at the University of Cambridge and scientific advisor for the series, asked about this on March 28.

In our three-dimensional space world and our time dimension, no, they could not, fundamentally (exist) », observes the physicist. “ It is impossible to violate (these dimensions). » The sophons, moreover, have certain limits: “ They can't be everywhere at once, all the time. » Reassured?

For further
The visuals of the 3-Body Problem are sumptuous // Source: NetflixThe visuals of the 3-Body Problem are sumptuous // Source: Netflix
The 3-Body Problem // Source: NetflixThe 3-Body Problem // Source: Netflix
Source: Numerama EditingSource: Numerama Editing
