High in protein and low in fat!Although broad beans are good, there are some people who may be fatal if they eat them.

Broad beans, also known as monk beans, peas, orchid beans, etc., are a vegetable in late spring and early summer. They can be used as staple food or beans as non-staple food. Young beans can also be eaten as vegetables, such as spiced broad beans. , spicy beans, strange-flavored beans, fried broad beans and broad bean hot sauce, etc., are all foods that people love to eat.

However, there is a group of people who may suffer from “favisa disease” if they eat broad beans!


What nutrients do broad beans have?

Broad beans are a common bean food, similar to other beans. Its overall characteristics are high in protein and dietary fiber, but it is also low in fat.

Protein: Broad beans are rich in protein, which can be as high as about 30%. For vegetarians, broad beans are actually a good protein supplement.


Dietary fiber: Broad beans are rich in dietary fiber, which helps promote digestive health, prevent constipation and maintain a feeling of fullness.

Vitamins and Minerals: Broad beans are rich in many vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, potassium, magnesium, etc.

Antioxidants: Broad beans are rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which help reduce the damage of free radicals to the body.

Low fat: Broad beans contain low fat and are suitable for people who need to control their fat intake.

Therefore, as a bean rich in protein, dietary fiber and low in fat, the nutritional value of broad beans is very good. Whether you eat fresh beans as vegetables or dry beans to make spiced broad beans or strange-flavored beans, they are all good. choose.

However, although broad beans are good, some people cannot eat them and have to worry about broad bean disease!

High in protein and low in fat!Although broad beans are good, there are some people who may be fatal if they eat them.
Broad beans: Wikipedia

What is favismosis?

Favism, also known as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency,is a hereditary diseaseespecially among boys under 10 years old.

G6PD is an important enzyme responsible for maintaining the antioxidant capacity within red blood cells and protecting them from oxidative damage. But if people who lack this enzyme eat broad beans, their red blood cells will rupture, causing hemolytic anemia.

Common symptoms of favisa include:

Hemolysis:After eating broad beans or related foods, red blood cells will suffer oxidative damage in the body, leading to hemolysis, which is when red blood cells rupture and release hemoglobin.

anemia:The destruction of red blood cells due to hemolysis can lead to anemia, a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

jaundice:The hemoglobin released by hemolysis is broken down in the body to produce bilirubin, causing yellowing of the skin and eyes.

Other symptoms:including headache, nausea, vomitingwait.

Boys need to pay special attention to favismosis

Statistics show that approximately 400 million people worldwide suffer from favismosis, which is common in Mediterranean countries, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America.In our country, the incidence rate of favisa disease is about 5.5%, and it is higher in the south than in the north.especially Guangdong, Yunnan and Sichuan are high-incidence areas.

Fava bean disease has an obvious family inheritance phenomenon, and about 41.3% of patients have a family history of inheritance. Moreover, the incidence rate of this disease in men is significantly higher than that in women, with about 90% occurring in men, and two-thirds of them are children under three years old. Why is this?

This is because the cause of favismosis is G-6-PD deficiency, an X-chromosome incomplete dominant genetic disease.

Male sex chromosomes are composed of an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. The X chromosome comes from the mother. If the mother happens to carry the disease-causing gene on this chromosome, the boy will suffer from favism. Children have a 50% probability of being sick and a 50% probability of being healthy.

As for girls, half are healthy and half are carriers. Carriers rarely get sick or have very mild symptoms and are often ignored.This is why most cases of favismosis are concentrated in boys.

Therefore, if you have a baby boy at home, you need to pay special attention to it.

High in protein and low in fat!Although broad beans are good, there are some people who may be fatal if they eat them.
Broad beans: Wikipedia

“Fava bean disease”, prevention is the key

According to current research, there is no special treatment for favismosis. Only effective prevention can prevent the occurrence of favismosis.

Since this disease is hereditary, if one parent has “favista disease”, you should be especially careful. Parents should pay special attention to the child's reaction when feeding their baby broad beans for the first time. If they develop symptoms of general discomfort, fatigue, or dark urine after eating broad beans, they must take their child to the hospital in time.

If you have been diagnosed with favismosis, it will be with you for life and will not get lighter or disappear.requires special attention.

Eating broad beans and broad bean products is the main cause of this disease, accounting for about 80%.

Therefore, if your child is found to have broad bean disease, do not feed your child broad beans and related products, including bean paste, orchid beans, strange-flavored beans, etc. (There is also the crispy fish we mentioned before: this kind of fish is most suitable for hot pot, and the reason is that it is “sick”! But there is a kind of people who must not eat it…) When buying other foods, you should also pay special attention to the ingredients of the food. Does the table contain broad beans?

There are many ways to ingest broad beans. Eating raw and cooked broad beans, dry and fresh broad beans and broad bean products, and consuming breast milk after broad beans can also cause illness in infants.Therefore, if the baby has broad bean disease, the mother cannot eat broad beans and their products during lactation.

Moreover, favismosis does not necessarily occur only after eating fava beans. Some people may even get sick if they smell the bean aroma of fava beans or are exposed to fava bean pollen. Therefore, avoid taking children to broad bean fields during broad bean flowering, fruiting or harvest seasons.

in addition,The naphthalene component contained in mothballs can also cause hemolysis. Try not to use mothballs at home.. If mothballs are used to store clothes, it is best to dry them in a ventilated place outside before wearing them to allow the naphthalene content to dissipate.

Once favismosis occurs, you should go to a regular hospital for treatment immediately.Be sure to tell the doctor clearly when seeking medical treatmentthe child is a patient with favismosis, so as to avoid delaying the treatment opportunity.


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Planning and production

Author丨Ruan Guangfeng, Director of Science and Technology Department of Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center

Review丨Zhang Yu, PhD, researcher at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Planning丨Zhong Yanping

Editor丨Zhong Yanping

Reviewer丨Xu Lai Linlin
