Game Company EA Goes Big to Bring Back a Popular License – Was it Worth it?

After Battlefield 2042, fans are worried about the future of the franchise. But it seems that EA is not ready to give up, if we are to believe the statements of CEO Andrew Wilson.

Spread the word, Battlefield 2042 wasn't really the experience fans were hoping for. The game was awarded a 2.2/10 on Metacritic, against a general press rating of 68/100. Faced with this mixed reception, Electronic Arts intends to react.


After formalizing the upcoming end of BF 2042, the publisher finally returned to the next opus of the license. The development of what we will call “Battlefield 7”, for the moment, seems to be continuing satisfactorily thanks to the reinforcement of new teams. But he still has news to give us about him!

© DICE / Electronic Arts.

Battlefield 7 understood the players

This Tuesday, EA's management teams established their latest rquarterly results. This was an opportunity for Andrew Wilson, CEO of the company, to discuss the future of the Battlefied franchise. Returning to the players' feedback on the last iteration but also the changes within the teams, he does not hide his optimism.

He recalls that after getting his hands on Battlefield 2042, “ players made it clear they wanted an even deeper experience “. If he does not give more details on this subject, we can mention the absence of a single-player campaign, the many bugs and insufficient patches among the main criticisms made of the game. So, according to Wilson, the studios working on the franchise “ have listened to the community, learned valuable lessons and are looking to the future “.

To serve a game closer to the public's expectations, EA therefore put the Motive studio on the job. His mastery of “ advanced Frostbite technology » will reinforce the work of DICE, Criterion and Ripple Effect. The objective now is to “ build the Battlefield universe through experiences multiplayer And solo connected “. Should we understand that here, as is starting to be the trend, that even solo you will need a permanent internet connection?


The CEO then emphasizes that this is “ there biggest team working on a Battlefield in franchise history “. Presumably, EA wants to put all chances on its side to bounce back after the debacle of the last opus. What's more, he met the teams a few weeks ago. He then reports his enthusiasm about what he was able to see and what he was able to try from the next Battlefield.

Of course, in a document which is intended to be public, this positivism also has the value ofmarketing tool. It's hard to see Wilson sharing his fears, if he has any, about Battlefield 7. Let's hope, therefore, that this new iteration will actually live up to what the public expects.
