Upcoming Star Wars Outlaws Project Promises to be Ambitious and Surprising

The announcements keep coming around Star Wars Outlaws. However, the game from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment seems to still have a lot to show us…

The intergalactic franchise imagined by George Lucas is more alive than ever in the video game field. Between the Star Wars Jedi games from Respawn Entertainment and the announcement of Eclipse, developed by the French company Quantic Dream, Star Wars Outlaws is preparing to make its debut on PC and next-gen consoles in summer 2024.


© Massive Entertainment / Ubisoft.

Fire up the engines, head to space with Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws will be the opportunity to play a new character, Kay Vess, renowned thief. For a compelling experience, the teams asked themselves what it entailed to be an outlaw in this universe. For Julian Gerighty, creative director, it is the alliance of “ stealth “, ” fight “, ” flight ” and of ” relevant choices as a rogue “. But it is also ” jump on your speeder and go from one camp to another “.

But who says Star Wars, also says space flight. Massive expands the horizon with an adventure that will be stellar in Outlaws. From land, Kay Vess and Nix will take us to an area well known to fans. On board his ship, the Trailblazer, the heroine and her adorable companion will sail from planet to planet, and from moon to moon. We will thus be able to set foot on TatooineKijimi, Akiva, or even Toshara.

In a dynamic collaboration with Lucasfilm, the Massive studio was able to design an environment faithful to the franchise. From then on, the game should give a real feeling of exploration concentrated aroundorbitsfull of things to do “. Of the ” points of interest » will appear there to guide us. But the environment will also be conducive to searches, when we are not caught in a confrontation.

Although it is an open world, it seems that navigation from one orbit to another is done in a form of rapid travel. Gerighty explains that they did not want to create “ endless space “. In this sense, the passage from one spatial zone to another will be done by hyperdrive. However, the creative director assures that “thespaceflight will be as accessible, fun and action-packed as possible “.


In short, the space adventure was designed in complement to the terrestrial adventure in Star Wars Outlaws. In doing so, Ubisoft seems to be reviewing its traditional formula to better surprise us. What's more, the game promises moments that live up to its cinematic saga. So get ready for some fights.” epic » in space, to be discovered from August 30, 2024 on PS5, Xbox Series and PC.
