Uncover the Top Fallout 4 Mods and Installation Guide

News tip Fallout 4 Mods: Discover the best mods and how to install them!


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With the Fallout series, you may have wanted to relaunch one of the games in the license and you have set your sights on Fallout 4. But why not push the experience even further by adding mods? In this article, we show you which ones you don't want to miss and how to install them.


Summary of all our guides on Fallout 4


  • Attack of the Lobotomites to extend the adventure
  • The survivalist bus for those who are on the move
  • Wasteland Reborn for a whole new experience
  • Play Lucy MacLean
  • Better NPCs in your games
  • Fallout 4: How to install mods?

Attack of the Lobotomites to extend the adventure

Do you know Fallout 4 by heart? Then Attack of the Lobotomites mode should please you! Indeed, the latter allows you to add a whole new quest, with a new dungeon and new NPCs. Enough to continue your adventure in the world for a few more hours.

In addition to this, you will also find new weapons, new armor and some other minor new features. It's an extremely complete mod plus multiple endings for a quest that will last approximately 1 hour. We really advise you not to miss it.

The survivalist bus for those who are on the move

Do you want to set up your own camp, but want to be able to take it everywhere? So, it's a safe bet that you really like the mod that we are going to present to you and which is called Survivalist's bus. The idea is to take your mess everywhere, on a bus.

This last can travel between 50 map locations provided you have visited them before. The bus itself can be customized and while the majority of these customizations will only be aesthetic, others may have real use!

Fallout 4 Mods: Discover the best mods and how to install them!

Wasteland Reborn for a whole new experience

The following mod is aimed at players who have already played Fallout 4 extensively! Indeed, in Wasteland Reborn, you are not going to have a mod strictly speaking, but rather 650 which have been assembled to create a completely new gaming experience.

Expect drastic changes to game mechanics, map and quests. Be careful though, as the creator warns, this mod is still in beta and given the amount of content offered, you should still expect some bugs.

Fallout 4 Mods: Discover the best mods and how to install them!

Play Lucy MacLean

As we told you in the introduction, many players have returned to Fallout 4 following the success of the series. Well, if you want to play Lucy, the main character of this series, know that you are not the first to have thought of it and that there is a mod for this.

Fallout 4 Mods: Discover the best mods and how to install them!

Better NPCs in your games

Do you find that the world of Fallout 4 can sometimes seem empty and the NPCs don't really help? Well, that's exactly what one player who decided to rework this point said. He thus slightly modified the routine of some of the NPCs in the game.

But he wasn't satisfied with that! Indeed, he also added three new NPCs, Lea and Hubert at the Drumlin Diner and Anna at Diamond City. Small additions which aim to make everything more lively than what we have the right to in the base game.

Fallout 4 Mods: Discover the best mods and how to install them!

To conclude, let's focus on installing mods. If you are not used to doing this, know that the easiest way will be to use the Nexus Mod tool just here. Via the latter, you will not only have access to all the mods that we have just presented to you and the means to install them easily.

Be careful though because before you can install them you will have to do a little manipulation in the game files to activate them. We suggest you find the procedure to follow, step by step below:

  • Go to Documents/My Games/Fallout 4
  • Open or create the Fallout4Custom.ini file if it does not appear
  • Add “[Archive]”, skip one line and add “bInvalidateOlderFiles=1”. Skip one last line and add “sResourceDataDirsFinal=”
  • Save and close the file
