The Wait for GTA 6: Anticipation Builds as the Release Date Nears, Dividing Fans

Game news GTA 6: you will have to be very patient, the release date of the most anticipated video game of all time is becoming clearer and it will not please everyone


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Sooner or later, we knew for a fact that we would have news of Grand Theft Auto VI, especially because we had little information on the release date. Indeed, a simple “2025” doesn’t mean much. After several months of speculation on the release window, Take-Two, the game's publisher, has finally given us a slightly more precise release window, and it will not please players who are waiting for GTA 6 with a firm footing. .


It’s time to take stock for Rockstar Games… and to give us a release date for GTA VI

On April 1, video game development companies began a new fiscal year, which means it was time for them to take stock. More and more, we see everyone's results flourishing on social networks. We were notably able to discover that of Square Enix, very mixed and forcing them to change strategyor even that of Sony and its PlayStation 5 which, despite a slowdownis approaching 60 million machines sold. However, among the most scrutinized video game players, we inevitably find Rockstar Games, and that's good because we learned some very interesting things… which won't please everyone!

As everyone knows, Rockstar Games is preparing very (very) heavy things in the coming months with the release of Grand Theft Auto 6, but not only ! Recently, one of the most renowned insiders in the Rockstar Games community came across a clue that would suggest the arrival of Red Dead Redemption, the first of its name, on PC media. In short, we can guess it but it's quite a busy scheduleespecially since the construction site GTA 6 is perhaps one of Rockstar Games' biggest challenges and one of the most realistic titles in the series ! Therefore, Rockstar would give itself more time than expected for the release of the game…

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GTA 6 will indeed be released in 2025… but late: a release window that does not please

Last December, for the revelation with great fanfare of GTA 6, Rockstar Games decided to close the trailer with the mention of a very vague release date. Indeed, players only had to settle for a simple “2025” which called for more precision. To get one, you will have had to wait a few months since it was yesterday that the publisher of the game, in this case Take-Two, reduced this famous release window. For some time, it was believed, due to Take-Two's financial forecasts, that the title would be released between January 1, 2025 and March 31, 2025. However, it is not !

GTA 6: you will have to be very patient, the release date of the most anticipated video game of all time is becoming clearer and it will not please everyone

Today, we now know from reliable sources that the launch of Grand Theft Auto 6 will not happen in this interval. No, you will have to wait even longer than that but, we reassure you, the release is not delayed by a year either. From now on, we can expect a particularly anticipated end to next year! And for good reason, GTA 6 plans to release in fall 2025. Certainly, this will force players to champ at the bit for a good handful of months, but it is an understandable strategy since it will allow Rockstar Games and Take-Two to establish themselves during the Black Friday period, an important moment. on the American market, and, of course, during the end-of-year holidays!

About GTA VI

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