Steam is giving away 17 must-play gaming gems for free

There are plenty of free games on Steam, but most of them are pure trash. Luckily, there are a few exceptions! You should definitely give these 17 games a chance.

Free games on Steam that you may not know yet

Every day, several new games appear on Steam – many of them are freeThe selection continues to grow, but your free time quota does not.


So that you don’t waste your time, we have put together a small selection of free games on Steam for you, which are also are really worth a look and that you may not have had on your radar yet. In the video we show you a condensed selection from our list. If you want to see more games and find out more details about them, just click through our picture gallery. Have fun playing for free!

Up for a small co-op shooter for you and your friendsfor which none of you have to pay a single cent? Then check out Alien Swarm!

Valve's little free co-op gem is very well received by players: 94 percent of the more than 20,000 reviews are positive.

In contrast to the game name, Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist actually surprisingly short and snappy and will definitely make you laugh.


You like playing Diablo, but you are more than fed up with the third part and Diablo 4 is not really for you? Then just try Path of Exile! The Action RPG hit from Grinding Gear Games has enjoyed great popularity for 10 years now – an official successor has now been announced, which is due to be released in summer 2024.

88 percent which now has over 204,000 reviews submitted on Steam are positive.

Counter-Strike 2 is a game that divides shooter opinions. For some players, it is probably the best best multiplayer shooterwhile others can't cope with the steep learning curve, the toxic community and the unforgivable gameplay.

Nevertheless, Counter-Strike 2 inspires many players – 87 percent the over 7.7 million reviews draw a positive conclusion. Counter-Strike 2 is currently still struggling with some teething issues, which Valve will certainly address in the coming months.

The free Half-Life mod “Cry of Fear” should horror-Fans will already be familiar with it. In this shocker, you have to fight your way through an abandoned city at night and encounter all kinds of supernatural beings that want to get you.

The visuals may be a bit dated, but the atmosphere will make your blood run cold. If you are too scared to play alone, you can also play Cry of Fear in co-op with a friend. 86 percent the over 49,000 Steam players so, who left a review.

The Sims 4 is now free to play – at least in its basic version. However, if you want DLCs to expand the scope of the game, you have to pay EA a lot of money. All expansion packs together even cost more than a PS5.

But that doesn't have to be the case. You can have a lot of fun with the free basic version, as the reviews on Steam confirm. Of the almost 108,000 reviews, 87 percent are positive.

The MMORPG Guild Wars 2 has been free to play for what feels like an eternity, but the RPG long-running game only found its way onto Steam in August 2022.

Despite its somewhat dated appearance, this fantasy role-playing game is far from being outdated. 88 percent the 10,700 Steam players so that they give a rating.

DayZ meets Minecraft – that’s Unturned! In the free Zombie survival game you have to search for resources with which you can defend yourself against the undead and satisfy your hunger and thirst.

Unturned also relies on MultiplayerAfter all, the real threat is not the zombies, but other survivors.

The concept is well received on Steam. 91 percent of the 520,000 Steam reviews are positive.

SCP: Secret Laboratory is a Horror multiplayer game of a special kind. A total of 5 different factions compete against each other and try to fight for survival. Your tasks vary depending on the faction, so there is always plenty of variety.

In any case, there doesn’t seem to be any chance of getting bored – this is also reflected in the Steam reviews. Of 168,000 reviews, 91 percent are positive.

Admittedly, the complete Real-time strategy game is not free to play in this case. Microsoft offers a in-house free version of AoE 3 on Steam. In this version you have access to the first act of the campaign and can access 3 of the 16 races and play eight different maps. The selection of races rotates, by the way.

Age of Empires 3 may not be as popular with fans of the series as its direct predecessor, but anyone who has had enough of it or who is more interested in the more modern scenario can now try it out for free. 82 percent of the more than 35,000 reviews on Steam are positive.

Since its release in 2013, Warframe has changed a lot. The lightning-fast action shooters is not only convincing in terms of gameplay, the developers are still providing the free-to-play game with new content that keeps fans entertained even after 10 years.

86 percent of the almost 539,000 reviews on Steam are positive.

For almost 4 years now, the well-known studio Paradox Interactive has been offering the second part of the Crusader Kings series for free. The grand strategy game allows you to to lead your own empire to glory and honor during the Middle Ages and expand your influence.

To achieve this, you must not only defeat your opponents on the battlefield, but also political intrigue, building diplomatic relations and securing your own position of power are part of your everyday life.

The game system of Crusader Kings 2 is extremely complex and admittedly a bit under-explained. But if you have enough time to get to grips with the game mechanics, you will be truly unique gaming experience.

A large proportion of the players also see it that way: 90 percent of the 70,000 reviews are positive.

Super Smash Bros. – but free and even cross-platformBrawlhalla has been extremely popular on Steam for almost six years now. Whether you want to play casually against your friends or competitively against players from all over the world, every player will get their money's worth here.

The concept is well received on Steam. 83 percent of the more than 332,000 reviews submitted are positive.

Splitgate is probably best described as illegitimate child of Halo and Portal describe. In the action-packed multiplayer shooter, you take aim at your enemies from a first-person perspective. The implementation of a portal cannon provides variety, allowing you to change your position in no time at all and thus surprise your opponent. Good to know: Splitgate offers crossplay supportso you can play the shooter together with your Xbox and PlayStation friends.

The concept has been very well received by Steam players. 91 percent of the more than 109,800 reviews are positive.

Good to know: Splitgate development officially ended in September 2022. However, the servers are still online – hopefully for a long time to come.

Things are much quieter in the peaceful open game world of theHunter. While the spin-off Call of the Wild is a paid version, the slightly older Classic version is offered free of charge by the developer.

Your task in the game is to go on the hunt as quietly and calmly as possible, to read tracks and, after a lot of preparation time, To kill gameTo improve your chances of a successful kill, you can all kinds of gadgets that can hide your own scent or attract animals.

Little hint: If you don't have patience, you have no place in theHunterIn the game, you can easily spend half an hour in silence in the tree stand before the animal of your choice runs into your gun.

67 percent of recent reviews on Steam are currently positive.

In Conqueror's Blade, real-time strategy meets MMO. Together with up to 15 other players You slip into the role of heroes who not only command numerous computer-controlled troops in siege battles on the battlefield, but you are also not above taking up arms yourself and supporting your comrades in battle.

The genre mix is ​​well received by many fans. 75 percent of the more than 27,800 reviews are positive.

Time for a (free) duel! In Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel you can compete with other fans of the legendary card game online. And if you don't feel like it: There is also a solo modethat takes you on a journey through Yu-Gi-Oh! history.

76 percent of the more than 63,000 reviews are positive.
