Remake Trailer Falls Short of Capturing Original Spirit, Claims Developer

Last month we were given a first look at the remake of “Silent Hill 2” with a trailer. After the trailer caused a lot of conversation following the presentation, the developers of Bloober Team also commented on the community's criticism in an interview.

Among the titles that come to us as part of the extensive “State of Play” Presented at the end of January, the long-awaited remake of the classic role-playing game “Silent Hill 2” was one of them.


However, the joy of many players did not last long. Since the trailer focused primarily on the combat and action mechanics of the remake, criticism of the game and the responsible developers of Bloober Team quickly became loud. In an interview, they took a position on the criticism of the reveal trailer for the “Silent Hill 2” remake.

On the one hand, Piotr Babieno, the president of Bloober Team, pointed out that his studio is not involved in the PR work or marketing surrounding the horror title. Only Konami makes the relevant decisions here.

Furthermore, Babieno assured the community that the trailer presented does not reflect the spirit of the remake and is not representative of what the finished game has to offer.

According to Babieno, there was also positive feedback

“Seriously, we are not responsible for the marketing side. Our partner alone is responsible for this [Konami] responsible,” said the president of Bloober Team. “This trailer certainly doesn't reflect the spirit of the game. This is neither the spirit of what once was nor of what we are now creating.”


“We're trying to fully reflect that romantic vision of the game that first appeared 22 years ago. We believe that when players see real gameplay, a real game, they will evaluate the whole thing differently,” added Babieno, pointing out that there was more than just negative feedback about the trailer after the presentation.

Instead, according to Babieno, the Polish studio also received positive messages.

Finally, the president of Bloober Team addressed the criticized graphics and the sometimes stiff animations that could be seen in the first trailer for the “Silent Hill 2” remake. These are also not representative of the final game. Instead, the developers want to use the technical possibilities of Unreal Engine 5 to ensure a high-quality overall graphical experience.

It is still unclear when the remake of “Silent Hill 2” will be released. Since series producer Motoi Okamoto a few days ago pointed this outAs the project is rapidly approaching completion, a concrete date is likely to follow in the next few months.

Source: Eurogamer
