PS5 widens the gap as Xbox falls further behind

There are more PS5 consoles in living rooms than Xbox consoles. This has been known for some time. According to an industry insider, the gap between PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S is now getting even wider.

PS5 vs. Xbox Series X|S: It's not close

The Xbox is not doing well. The Microsoft console is selling significantly worse than the PlayStation 5. Industry analyst Daniel Ahmad is now sharing his analysis of the Sony's annual reportwhich also allows conclusions to be drawn about the competition.


Sony has until March 31, 2024, a total of 59.2 million PS5 consoles sold. This puts the new PlayStation at about the same level as the PS4. The previous console sold 60 million consoles in the same period. Despite this, the PS5 missed its annual target. Sony also expects sales to continue to decline from now on.

The competition can only dream of such numbers. Ahmad goes on to say that Sony sold 4.5 million PS5 consoles in the last quarter. That is five times as manyas the Xbox was able to achieve in the same period. Microsoft itself has already admitted that hardware sales have declined significantly compared to the previous year.

Does the Xbox still have a chance?

Ahmad further clarifies that the situation is not quite so bleak. In July 2023, Microsoft announced that it had sold a total of 21 million units of the Xbox Series X|S. A little later, Sony followed suit and announced the milestone of 40 million PS5 consoles sold. In recent months, however, the situation has changed for the Xbox manufacturer. dramatically worsened. A race to catch up seems to be a long way off.

So far, mediocre success in console sales has not been the end of the world for the Xbox. After all, the Game Pass made a decent profitNow, however, Microsoft has started closing some Xbox development studios that were supposed to be working on new hits for the game subscription.

