PS5 Pro: Alleged leak provides specifications

Shortly before the weekend we received further unconfirmed information about the PS5 Pro. These primarily revolve around the features and technical possibilities of the console, which has not yet been officially announced.

Even if an official announcement is still a long time coming, it is certain that Sony is working on a more powerful version of the PS5. To report According to February, Sony has already informed selected developers and studios about the hardware specifications of the PS5 Pro.


The YouTuber “Moore's Law Is Dead” is causing new rumors in this direction these days. As he reports, three documents were leaked to him that allegedly come directly from Sony and provide information on internal performance goals. As can be seen from the documents, the PS5 Pro noticeably improves performance in two areas.

On the one hand, “Moore's Law Is Dead” says that the PS5 Pro has 45 percent higher rasterizing performance compared to the standard model of the console. When it comes to ray tracing, a performance increase of 300 to 400 percent can be expected.

Leaker speaks of a significant increase in performance

“Moore's Law Is Dead” also reports, citing the documents, that the PS5 Pro's GPU has a performance of 33.5 teraflops – almost three times the performance of the current PS5 chip. A new SoC from AMD, codenamed “Trinity” and 20 Gbps GDDR6 memory, is expected to make the impressive leap.

However, the leaker did not provide any further data here. There have been several rumors in the past that Sony could use its own AI upscaling solution for the PS5 Pro. According to “Moore's Law Is Dead,” this is called Playstation Spectral Super Resolution, or PSSR for short.


According to the leaker's information, PSSR does not have to hide from the AI ​​upscaling techniques from AMD and Nvidia – quite the opposite. Accordingly, Sony's upscaling solution is said to achieve better image quality in practice than, for example, AMD's FSR 2. Unfortunately, the video does not provide any specific details about how PSSR works.

What is PSSR all about?

The concept of Playstation Spectral Super Resolution corresponds to what Nvidia and AMD have already implemented with DLSS and FSR respectively. With the support of artificial intelligence, developers will be able to scale games with lower resolutions to 4K resolution while saving valuable resources. With future software development kits (SDKs for short), Sony could also offer 8K support.

At the end of this message, however, we have to play the spoilsport. Because as exciting as the supposed details about the technical possibilities of the PS5 Pro may sound, we have to point out that “Moore's Law Is Dead” has not always been correct with its information in the past. Therefore, enjoy the current rumors with the necessary caution.

In recent months, various sources have reported that Sony is targeting a release for the PS5 Pro in the second half of the current year. Those responsible at the Japanese electronics giant have not yet commented on the rumors about the PS5 Pro.

If anything changes, you will of course find out immediately on

More news about PS5 Pro.

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