Pokémon Go Featured Hours Calendar! – Next Stage

In Pokémon Go, every Tuesday there is a special one-hour event called “Featured Hour”. During this one-hour period, the spawn frequency of a specific Pokémon is significantly increased, usually accompanied by a doubled bonus such as candy or XP.

For the month of March 2024, we have four Featured Hours, each with its own particularity and bonuses. The schedule is as follows:


– For March 5: Palétuvu (double XP for evolutions)
– March 12: Female Nidoran (double Stardust for captures)
– March 19: Vulpix, Ptitard, Stalgamin, and Hippopotas (double XP for captures)
– And finally on March 26: Granivol (double candy for captures)

What is Featured Hour in Pokémon Go?
These events run from 6 p.m. to 6:59 p.m., depending on local time. This is the perfect opportunity to gather candies to improve and evolve a specific Pokémon, or even come across a chromatic Pokémon. Although the spawn rates of Shiny Pokémon are not increased during Featured Hours, the large number of Pokémon available increases your chances of encountering one by chance. The more Pokémon you interact with, the more likely you are to capture a Shiny Pokémon.

Pokémon Go Featured Hours Schedule –

How to make the most of Featured Hours in Pokémon Go?
Some experienced players maximize their winnings thanks to the generous bonuses offered each week during Featured Hours. They carefully plan times to transfer or evolve their Pokémon.


If you find yourself with an excess of unnecessary Legendary Pokémon, take advantage of the Featured Hour offering double candy for transfers to maximize your candy resources.

For example, if you have accumulated several Rattata (or other Pokémon that you already have a lot of candy for), you can wait for a Featured Hour offering a x2 XP bonus for evolutions. Using a Lucky Egg during this period can further increase your XP gains.

In short, get ready to catch as many Pokémon as possible during these Featured Hours!

And remember, these times are perfect for growing your collection quickly. So don’t miss them and see you soon on Next Stage to catch them all!
