Our 10 tips for getting your game off to a good start

Enable auto-pickup

This is the first reflex you must have here, unless you want to damage your R2 button. The game invites you to pick up lots of resources on the ground, sometimes very small and therefore not very visible. It's easy to run out if you don't press the required button at the right time.

Fortunately, there is an automatic pickup option. No downside to activating it, since your inventory is unlimited. For that. Go to the options, in the “Game” tab, to find “Automatic Loot”.


Hints can help you with puzzles

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In the same menu, you will also find a line called “Tips”. When this option is activated, notes will appear at the top left of the screen when you find yourself faced with a puzzle and stay in one area too long. A little annoying for immersion for some, but for those who don't want to get stuck, the option is nice.

Scan often

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The drone that accompanies you is not just there to look good. By pressing the touchpad, you can launch a scan which will not only show you the enemies in the surrounding area (useful for avoiding ambushes), but also all the chests in the area. As soon as possible, upgrade this radar so that it can be launched faster and cover a wider area.


Collect all possible notes

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In addition to the treasures to find, you will come across a lot of corpses on the road, containing memories and notes. They allow you to learn more about the world, but also give you experience. In addition, some of his notes are linked to side quests or provide access to passwords. So collect everything you can.

Don't neglect side quests

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And it is advisable to do as much as possible with these side quests. At least if you're looking to get a lot of experience and materials, but also to unlock new things like bonus costumes for EVE. Do not delay in completing them, since they will be blocked from a certain point in the adventure (the game will warn you). Same thing for requests, to be retrieved from the table provided for this purpose in Xion.

Break all the crates

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By scanning the surroundings, you will of course find chests, but also plenty of destructible crates. By breaking them, you may not find anything, but sometimes you will come across additional resources, including valuable Vitcoins or currency. So remember to break everything in your path.

Take all the detours

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In Stellar Blade, your curiosity is rewarded. The game isn't really a metroidvania, which means don't hesitate to take a detour whenever possible, because you'll probably be able to collect a reward right away. So take the time to explore everything so you don't have to go back and forth.

Unlock the Cat Reflexes and Improved Focus skills

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Parry and dodge in Stellar Blade is central. But early in the game, the execution window is quite small and difficult to see. This is why we recommend that you save your first skill points to unlock Cat Reflexes and Improved Concentration, two abilities found in the Survival skill tree. This will greatly facilitate your counters and dodges from the start.

Make sure you have a Pump-SB with you

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After advancing beyond the first real level of the game, you will be able to purchase SB Pumps in the in-game shops. This item allows you to revive yourself in combat, provided you have one on you (and not in your reserve ). So stock up as much as possible, since your currency won't have many other uses anyway.

You can make fishing easier

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Last very practical option, which will only be useful to you much later in the adventure. When you have access to fishing, you will discover that the mini-game is not necessarily easy for those who lack reflexes. So go to the options, in the “Accessibility” tab. There you will find a line “Replacing fishing controls”. Enable the option to make the experience much more leisurely. After all, fishing isn't meant to be stressful.

To learn more about Stellar Bladedo not hesitate to consult our complete guide.
