Official Announcement: Activision Reveals CoD: Black Ops 6

After four years, CoD veterans can once again look forward to a new part of the Black Ops series. This time, Activision is making it easy and simply calling the game Black Ops 6. There is also a first teaser trailer to watch and the publisher reveals when there will be more information about the next CoD.

Activision officially announces CoD: Black Ops 6

For a few weeks now, all sorts of hints have been floating around the internet suggesting that the next CoD would again have the subtitle “Black Ops”. Now we have certainty. Because Activision has just revealed the new part of the series on its own blog.


The next offshoot of the successful franchise answers the name Call of Duty: Black Ops 6Otherwise, the publisher is still holding back on information (source: Blog Call of Duty). Only one tiny cryptic teaser video is still there for the fans to see.

Can you make sense of this video?

CoD: Black Ops 6 – Activision announces reveal

If you're hungry for more information, you'll have to be patient. Because the big reveal is still a while away. At the June 9, 2024 Activision would like to fully reveal Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 as part of the big Xbox Games Showcase.

Until then, however, fans can search for clues on the official website There is an old tube TV with three different TV channels playing various short videos. The same motif can be found in all of them: “the truth lies” – in English: “The truth lies”.


We don't yet know what this is all about – especially since there are three other channels on the tube TV that are not showing anything yet. It is quite possible that Activision will more and more clues publishedthat hint at the setting of the game. We will of course keep you updated.
