Nintendo explains the “weaker” Nintendo Switch game lineup since the start of the year – Nintendo Switch

We continue to debrief the question and answer session with investors following the publication of Nintendo's latest financial results. We thus discover that the shareholders are wondering if there is a connection with the imminent arrival of the successor of the Nintendo Switch and the “weaker” range of games available on Nintendo Switch since the start of the year. The resources of Nintendo are they all already used for the next console?

Shuntaro Furukawa wanted to be reassuring, ensuring that Nintendo continued to develop games for Nintendo Switch and that some will also be announced in June during the NINTENDO DIRECT special Nintendo Switch. As for development resources, Nintendo has already increased them considerably in recent years.


As explained in previous newsNintendo does not reject the idea of increase them further “through mergers and acquisitions” but prefers to cultivate company talent and focus on developers who understand well Nintendo.

Find below the translation of the question and the answer of Shuntaro Furukawa

Question 1:

I would like to know what you think of your resources when it comes to game software development. You'll announce your software lineup for the second half of 2024 during a Nintendo Direct in June, but judging by the first half, the lineup looks weaker than usual. Have a lot of your development resources already been transferred to the Nintendo Switch successor? I would also like to know your long-term strategy for increasing your development resources.

Shuntaro Furukawa :


Creating a successor to the Nintendo Switch requires years of preparation, so of course there are many aspects to consider in terms of software development resources.

But we also continue to develop software for the Nintendo Switch, and we will announce more about our upcoming software lineup during the Nintendo Direct planned for June.

We have continually increased our development resources over the past few years through the recruitment of recent graduates and mid-career employees. We will continue to actively work to obtain the necessary development resources to increase the long-term value of our intellectual property and consistently deliver unique entertainment propositions.

While development resources may be increased through mergers and acquisitions, we will first work within the company with our developers, who deeply understand the Nintendo brand and have developed it over the years, in order to enable them to cultivate talents capable of driving Nintendo's future development.

Additionally, many of our external development partners have gained in-depth knowledge of Nintendo's thinking and game development methods over their many years of working together, and we would like to strengthen our ties with these partners. The game development process will inevitably become longer, more complex and more advanced. It is essential that Nintendo offers consumers new and unique experiences through game development, which is why we will actively invest in expanding our development resources.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to tell us what you think about it in the comments.

Nintendo Switch 2 will be officially announced by March 2025



A NINTENDO DIRECT in June 2024 to discuss the latest Nintendo Switch games
