New Game Star Wars Outlaws Claims to be the Ultimate Cinematic Experience

The director of Star Wars Outlaws has expressed his great ambitions for the game developed by Ubisoft Massive. Fans of the films have a lot to be excited about.

Julian Gerighty shared this promising information in an interview with our colleagues at Game Informer. According to its director, Star Wars Outlaws promises to be “ one of the most cinematic games of all time.” The word is out.


Star Wars Outlaws, the game, the film?

Much to the dismay of Ubisoft Massive, Star Wars Outlaws mainly captured the public's attention for the wrong reasons because of a controversy surrounding its Season Pass. However, the title seems to bring together a lot of promising ingredients to please fans of the vast universe imagined by George Lucas. With its story cleverly interweaving between the films The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Kay Vess's quest into the inner circle of smugglers promises to be exciting. For the first time in a Star Wars game, we'll even have the famous Sabacc game. The nods to this style are legion for connoisseurs of this iconic galaxy far, far away.

To pay even more homage to the legendary space opera, Ubisoft Massive intends to go all out with its in-house Snowdrop engine. “ We have added a bunch of new technological features to recreate an experience worthy of the cinema », indicated its director Julian Gerighty. There will also be an option in the game to switch to “Cinema” mode. This will take the form of an ultrawide display. Its director specifies on this subject that: “ This option is part of our commitment to making Star Wars Outlaws one of the most cinematic games of all time “. Hellblade 2 sweaty?

A new graphic showcase for Ubisoft?

After a Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Already visually stunning, Star Wars Outlaws could raise the bar even higher. “ Graphically, we have the same superb lighting effects, attention to detail, and lots of other nice things to make the environments believable », tells us its director. Ubisoft Massive's next game therefore intends to make the most of the capabilities of the PC and consoles to display its finest attributes.

We have reflections, post-processing effects, film grain, vignetting, etc. All this just to recreate that incredible cinema experience from the first films “. It now remains to be seen how this very promising experiment will turn out. We'll find out on August 30 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series. Or August 27 for those ready to extend imperial credits.

