Mysterious Necrozma Shadows ‘Pokemon GO’ Video Amid US Solar Eclipse, ‘Pokemon GO Fest 2024’ Logo Unveiled

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will be observed in the United States for the first time in seven years, attracting attention. Meanwhile, the “Pokemon GO'' official released a video on X (formerly Twitter) showing a shadow that appears to be “Necrozma.''

◆I thought it was a video of a total solar eclipse…but is the big shadow “Necrozma”?

“Pokemon GO'' Official X posted a video that begins with a total solar eclipse. For a moment, you think it has nothing to do with “Pokémon,” but then you're immediately interrupted by a scene that looks like the “Ultra Hole” from “Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon” has opened.


In the Pokemon series, Ultra Hall is a space connected to another world inhabited by “Ultra Beasts” who have strange appearances. Immediately after that, a gigantic mysterious shadow, believed to be Necrozma, appears in the city.

▲Ultra hole image

Necrozma, which appeared in silhouette, is a legendary Pokemon that has appeared in Pokemon Sun and Moon. It can be said that it has a lot to do with the total solar eclipse, as it incorporates the legendary Pokemon “Solgaleo” and “Lunaala” that are also on the package, and changes form to “Solar Eclipse Necrozma” and “Lunar Eclipse Necrozma.”

◆Is Necrozma implementation timing for “Pokémon GO Fest 2024”?

At the end of the video released this time, the logo of “Pokemon GO Fest 2024”, which will be held in Sendai from May 30th to June 2nd, appears. Players have also expressed expectations that Necrozma may be implemented in conjunction with the event.

In addition, on February 29th, “Pokemon GO” official Youtube “Receiving… “Ultra Beast” reappearance approaching” has been released, and it seems that Ultra Beasts, including Necrozma, will be implemented soon.


Total solar eclipses have also been linked to the Pokémon series in the past. In the 2009 movie “Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: Overcoming Arceus and Space-Time'', Arceus appears on the day of a solar eclipse.

This video is synchronized with real time. I'm really looking forward to the future developments.

TAKARA TOMY Pokemon Monster Collection ML-16 Necrozma (Twilight Mane)
(Price and stock status are as of the time of article publication)
