Mortal Kombat 1: Invasions should be improved

The developers at NetherRealm Studios sent a survey to “Mortal Kombat 1” players via email. In this, the studio asks for feedback that should lead to a better gaming experience in “Invasion” mode.

One of the features that sets “Mortal Kombat 1” apart from its predecessors is the new “Invasion” mode. This recently started its second season and offers new content.


Despite the promised long-term support, enthusiasm for “Invasion” mode has so far been manageable. A fact that apparently didn’t escape the attention of the developers. As several players reported on platforms like Reddit, they received an email from NetherRealm Studios asking for feedback on possible improvements to the “Invasion” mode.

The survey was aimed primarily at those who played the first season of “Invasions” but didn’t touch the mode after that.

Players to whom this applies were then able to give various reasons why they did not continue playing Invasion mode.

The possible reasons at a glance

  • The gameplay is too different from regular Mortal Kombat gameplay.
  • Unlocking everything you want takes too long.
  • You felt lost and didn’t know how to move forward.
  • One person doesn’t like the overall experience of “Invasion” mode.
  • Invasions felt too repetitive.
  • Invasions lacked story/narration.

After the email or survey in question appeared on platforms like Reddit, other users spoke up with possible suggestions for improvement. Among other things, the high grind factor of the “Invasion” mode is criticized here. According to the community, with a few small tweaks the developers at NetherRealm Studios could make the game mode feel more lively.


“Adding areas in which you interact with characters or NPCs, explore the lore of the areas or have characters interact with each other would make the game mode feel a little more lively,” it says, for example. Another user added: “I really like the concept of a role-playing game, the cards and keys and all that, but there just needs to be more.”

Time will tell how many of the community suggestions are ultimately implemented. So far, NetherRealm Studios has not commented on possible improvements or new features for the “Invasion” mode.

“Mortal Kombat 1” is available for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S and Switch.

NRS started to send survey to players email regarding invasions feedback
byu/SpitefulSabbath inMortal Kombat Leaks

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