Microsoft Edge 125.0.2518.0 in Dev channel with new web capture button

Yesterday evening Microsoft updated the Edge browser in the Dev channel. This is more of a maintenance update. But you introduce a new button (icon) in the toolbar. I haven't noticed any change so far, but it's good. Maybe with you.

Otherwise there were corrections that were made again.



  • Fixed several possible crashes on Windows, Android and Linux
  • Fixed an issue where tab group titles were incorrectly displayed in bold.
  • Fixed an issue where the tab search content field had rounded edges.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the red dot to be removed from Omnibox notifications.
  • Fixed an issue related to the appearance of the Shift key when using Dark Mode.
  • Fixed a display issue that prevented the Copilot window and docked applications from correctly aligning on the screen after text scaling adjustments.
  • Fixed an issue where it was difficult to activate the Copilot toolbar on tablet devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the back button was missing from the header after a new search.
  • iOS: Fixed an issue where the Share button was unresponsive and prevented successful sharing on iOS.
  • Android: Fixed an issue where the translation bar remained visible and could not be closed by clicking the “x” on Android.

All Microsoft Edge downloads including Insiders:
