Maximizing Your Resource Harvest: A Guide to Gathering and Storing Fuel for Manor Lords

News tip Manor Lords Fuel: Logs, coal… How to harvest and store these resources?


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If you want to ensure the development of your colony in Manor Lords, you will necessarily need to get your hands on fuel to power your workshops and keep your families warm during the long winter months. Here we explain how to harvest and store it.


Summary of all our guides on Manor Lords


  • Fuel, an essential resource on Manor Lords
  • How to harvest and store fuel in Manor Lords?
    • Where and how to harvest logs?
    • Where and how to harvest coal?

Fuel, an essential resource on Manor Lords

Like any good self-respecting management game, Manor Lords asks players to get their hands on various resources that each have numerous uses. Whether for trade, developing your colony, constructing buildings… these resources have several characteristics, but some are undoubtedly more useful than others. Therefore, you need to focus on two of these resources at the start of the game: food and fuel.

For the first, its usefulness is quite equivocal. Without food, the families living within your colony will simply starve. But it is rather the second that interests us here. Fuel is essential because it supplies the censives, the homes of your different families, but also allows you to supply the various workshops in the game which will allow you to produce more resources and therefore lead your colony towards prosperity.

In Manor Lords, you are quickly faced with the need for fuel, as soon as you want to expand your colony and ensure its proper functioning. As said previously, censives consume one unit of food and one unit of fuel each month. However, during winter, fuel consumption is doubled. Unless you have modified the parameters of the game and changed the initial season, you will have to take advantage of previous seasons to collect fuel in order to survive the winter.

Collecting fuel is not complex in itself, but there are nevertheless some specificities that we will detail here. First, there are two types of resources that are considered fuel: logs and coal, the first being simpler to collect, but less efficient.

Manor Lords Fuel: Logs, coal... How to harvest and store these resources?

To collect logs, you simply have to build a woodworker's hut on the edge of a forest. This construction must be distinguished from the logging camp, which allows wood to be harvested. Because yes, wood and logs do not have the same function. That being said, once the woodworker's hut is operational, all you have to do is assign a family there who will then be responsible for harvesting logs.

Manor Lords Fuel: Logs, coal... How to harvest and store these resources?Manor Lords Fuel: Logs, coal... How to harvest and store these resources?

Coal works differently. To produce it, you have to build a coal mine. That being said, this construction first requires the “coalmaking” improvement available in the “development” skill tree of your colony. Once this upgrade is unlocked, you will then be able to build a charcoal pit, assign a family to it, and produce coal from logs. One unit of logs can produce two units of coal, making the fuel supply much more efficient. Finally, let us point out that storage is done automatically within the respective constructions – woodworker's hut and charcoal pit. In addition, know that your warehouses will automatically be filled by your surplus resources. It's as simple as that.
