Hurry and Grab This Fantastic Free Game Before It’s Gone!

A new free game is available on PS5, but you will have to act very quickly to take advantage of it. In any case, you have something to have fun this weekend with a group of friends.

PS5 players know that it is not uncommon to be entitled to a few free games from time to time. In addition to the demos which are only short trial versions, certain titles become free for a limited period in order to arouse the curiosity of as many people as possible. A few days during which the game is completely free and in its entirety without any restrictions. And that's what's happening today with a big, extremely popular cooperative game.


Enjoy a new free game on PS5 now

First thought of as a mod Counter Strike, this license quickly became a stand-alone then a real franchise made up of several games. We are talking here about Killing Floor, a cooperative, horrific, exhilarating and extremely gory FPS. The game invites a team of players to band together to face waves of increasingly robust and dangerous monsters. All under a fountain of blood and guts, in joy and good humor. A franchise that is now 15 years old and several episodes under the belt.
There are two main episodes and a VR game in particular. A Killing Floor 3 is also expected soon on PS5, Xbox Series and PC.

But to celebrate its anniversary, in addition to a few in-game events, the franchise is making Killing Floor 2 available for free on PS5, but also on Xbox Series and PC.
From May 16 to 20, so you can download and enjoy the game for free as you wish. No content limits or anything else, the game is free for a whole weekend. On the menu, several playable characters, dozens of weapons to tame, more than ten perks to equip and improve and hundreds of monsters to explode.

We often get to the heart of the matter in Killing Floor 2 ©Steam

Killing Floor 2 is free!

Killing Floor 2, like the first game, is an extremely popular game on PS5. As naughty as it gets, it offers a jubilant and gory experience. A real bloodbath to discover with a group of friends to have even more fun and above all to have a chance of surviving since if the game is fun and offers gameplay that is very accessible, it requires everything to be even quite a bit of coordination and strategy in the highest difficulty levels. Exhilarating and bloody.

The game offers very long hours of play, in particular thanks to its generous and interesting class system which allows you to have your own approach to the carnage. But it is also its cooperative dimension which makes the experience so special. A good, coordinated and complementary team will be essential if you plan to obtain the best rewards by taking the biggest risks.

