Hope for news soon? Insomniac speaks out

In recent weeks, rumors have been circulating about a major PS5 games showcase. But what are the chances of news about “Marvel's Wolverine”? The developers at Insomniac Games have clarified the matter.

Reported in the last few weeks multiple sources of a major PS5 games showcase, which is scheduled to take place in May. The titles that could be presentedaccording to the rumor mill, include the remake of “Silent Hill 2” and a new “Astrobot” title.


A well-known leaker also recently brought the yet-to-be-announced sequel to “Ghost of Tsushima” with a possible reveal at the showcase in connection. With more and more evidence of the PS5 showcase, a user asked Insomniac Games about any upcoming news on “Marvel's Wolverine.”

The studio responded promptly. Although not in the way the community hoped. According to Insomniac Games, all fans of the iconic comic hero will have to be patient for a while.

Insomniac Games is waiting for the right time

After the developer posted about Ratchet and Clank on Twitter, a user asked about Marvel's Wolverine. Insomniac Games responded: “We will share news when the time is right. And the time is not now.” A statement that will surely come as a surprise to very few.

Finally went out of the big Insomniac Games leak Last year it became clear that “Marvel's Wolverine” still has a lot of development time ahead of it. According to the leaked documents, those responsible internally are aiming for a release at the end of 2026.


According to Giant Bomb editor and industry insider Jeff Grubb, the action title will be significantly darker than the last games from Insomniac Games.

In addition, Grubb called alleged details about the setting of “Marvel's Wolverine” and wanted to find out that the story of the title takes us to Madripoor. Madripoor is a fictional city in Southeast Asia that is considered the perfect haven for pirates and criminals in the Marvel universe.

Information that Insomniac Games has not yet confirmed.

A shared universe with Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Insomniac Games' creative director Bryan Intihar gave us an interesting detail last fall. As he confirmed, “Marvel's Wolverine” and “Marvel's Spider-Man 2” released last year will be share a universe.

Despite everything, according to Intihar, the developers at Insomniac Games consciously decided against a cameo appearance by Wolverine in the last “Spider-Man” adventure.

“There was a decision not to do it… I think we wanted to let the team simmer. And who knows what the future will bring, but for now we let them do their thing,” commented the creative director on this decision.

“Marvel's Wolverine” was revealed at a showcase in September 2021 exclusively for the PS5 announced. At the time, those responsible at Sony Interactive Entertainment pointed out that the title was still in a very early stage of development.

More news about Marvel's Wolverine.

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