Highly Anticipated Film of April 2024 Released, Predicted to Dominate Box Office

The sequel to one of the biggest Netflix films ever produced, which was a huge success, joins the new releases for April 2024. An exclusive not to be missed.

The latest Netflix news from April 15 to 21, 2024 arrived at 9:01 a.m. like (almost) all the time. But before presenting it, a reminder is necessary. This week, N added several well-regarded films with Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig's first solo production (barbie), Pentagon Papers, Assassination Nation from the creator of the Euphoria series or even one of the masterpieces of cinema: The Godfather. There were also the series The Grimm Variations as well as Like Two Brothers, the documentary Notre Monde Vivant narrated by Cate Blanchett, the reality TV Bad Players with Claude from Koh-Lanta at the helm, and season 6 of The Circle Game: UNITED STATES.


The Sequel to a Huge Netflix Exclusive Movie is Here

While waiting for the director's cut version of Rebel Moon, which promises a level of violence never seen before for a project of this scale according to its director, Zack Snyder is back on Netflix. A few months after the release of Part 1: Child of Fire, it's time to discover the rest of the space opera with Rebel Moon Part 2: The Slasher. A feature film which will undoubtedly still unleash passions, but which should still satisfy the management of Netflix. The first film was seen by tens of millions of subscribers, but was destroyed by critics. The Rotten Tomatoes score for the press is still at 21%, which is abysmal, while that of viewers is at 57%. Which isn't good either. But maybe the sequel will be better?

Warning spoilers!!!!

Rebel Moon Part 2: The Slasher will therefore pick up where the previous episode left off. Contrary to what she thought, Kora (Sofia Boutella) did not succeed in definitively neutralizing Admiral Noble. From then on, she will have to do everything to eliminate him once and for all, while defending the village that welcomed him. “On the eve of battle, fighters must confront the truths of their own past, each revealing the reasons for their struggle. As the forces of the Kingdom descend on the budding rebellion, unbreakable bonds are formed, heroes are revealed, and legends are forged.”. Rebel Moon Part 1: Firechild and Rebel Moon Part 2: The Slasher are available on Netflix.

Rebel Moon Part 2: The Slasher available on N

If we combine Rebel Moon Part 1: Child of Fire and Rebel Moon Part 2: The Slasher, there are 4h19 of happiness awaiting you. Or pure torture, it depends. But ultimately it's still quite far from the director's cut versions which could land next summer in the new Netflix releases. There, you will take more than six hours. And according to Zack Snyder, it promises to be more challenging than the original versions. “It’s like another movie. During filming, we filmed the actors speaking different lines of dialogue. […] We knew what we were filming was for an R-Rated release. The tone changes a lot because it's more exaggerated and intentionally over-the-top in terms of sex and violence.” did he declare.


The director, who often complains about the cinema versions of his films, therefore seems happy with these Netflix productions. So much so that there might be more parts to come. If we read through the lines, the firm with the red N seems to have been the only place where Snyder was able to completely let go. “The violence is so crazy that you think it's something that shouldn't exist in a sci-fi film of this magnitude” he added.
