First BlueHats Award presented to The Dnsmasq Project

Defined first winner of the BlueHats award, established by the French Interministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM, Interministerial Digital Directorate) and awarded to maintainers of critical free and open source projects. The first prize was awarded to Simon Kelley, the creator, main developer and maintainer of the project Dnsmasq. The award jury, which included representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) and the Digital Directorate (DINUM) of France, recognized the importance of the project and the work it has done to maintain network security. The monetary component of the award is set at 10 thousand euros. This year it is planned to award three more similar awards.

The Dnsmasq project combines a caching DNS resolver, a DHCP server, an IPv6 route advertisement service, and a network boot system into one package. Project involved in the Android platform and specialized distributions such as OpenWrt and DD-WRT, as well as in the firmware of wireless routers from many manufacturers. On regular distributions, Dnsmasq can be installed when using libvirt to provide DNS service in virtual machines or activate in the NetworkManager configurator.


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