Finding Hope in the Midst of a Crisis: A Story of Unexpected Good News

Recently, Electronic Arts has fallen on hard times. Between layoffs and abandonment of certain projects, where is the highly anticipated science fiction game, Mass Effect 5?

Recent events have pushed Electronic Arts to take unfortunate measures. In 2024 alone, over the last few months, more than 8,000 jobs have been lost and some licenses have concerns. We are thinking in particular of Star Wars, since the FPS in the universe of The Mandalorian planned by Respawn has been canceled. EA has indicated that it is ready to sacrifice its least profitable licenses on the altar of profitability. Dragon Age 4 would be one of the survivors and would even be released this year, but what about Mass Effect 5?


Mass Effect 5 survives chaos at EA

We reassure you from the outset, according to the information fromIGN, Mass Effect 5 would still be relevant. It is reportedly still in pre-production, the stage the project has been at since last August. Things seem to be progressing slowly but surely, BioWare having announced the color a few months ago. Most of the studios' workforce is focused on Dragon Age 4 Dreadwolf, which would also be one of the survivors of the purge currently raging in the industry. According to information from Jeff Grubb, EA is even planning to release it at the end of the year, a few months after its expected presentation this summer.

As for Mass Effect 5, you will have to be patient. The game was announced in 2020 featuring one of fan favorite characters: Liara T'Soniu. Since then, we've had a few teasers suggesting quite a few things. It was enough to fuel all kinds of theories. First, the mysterious Geth and Angara races could have an important role in the new installment, when one of Mass Effect 3's endings finally becomes canon after decades of speculation and debate among fans.

Finally, it could bring back the morality system that makes you choose between pragmatism and conciliation. This mechanic was very present in the second and third title before being ousted from Mass Effect: Andromeda. At this stage, however, everything remains only speculation and given the communication around Dragon Age 4, it will be years before we have anything concrete.

We'll have to wait a while longer

Before seeing all these new developments take place, we will indeed have to be patient. It's certainly positive that EA is still dedicating resources to Mass Effect 5, but the priorities are completely different. The company said it wanted to focus on its strong franchises. Among them, we can count Star Wars: Jedi and Marvel games like Iron Man or Black Panther. The goal here is to repair the broken problems with safe values ​​by recapitalizing as much as possible. Plus, we obviously have to wait for Bioware to finish Dragon Age: Dreadwold before they fully dive into making the next Mass Effect installment. Some are talking about the software arriving in at least 5 years, that is to say in 2029.

