Experience Cyberpunk 2077 in a Whole New Way! The Details are Stunning…

Game news Cyberpunk 2077 like you've never seen it before! The realism is breathtaking…


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More than three years after its release, Cyberpunk 2077 continues to fascinate the gaming community. This is why we still find new mods today to further improve the game, especially from a purely graphic point of view.


After taking players through an emotional roller coaster, Cyberpunk 2077 has finally arrived in its final form since the release of its extension Cyberpunk 2077 – Phantom Liberty in September 2023. Since then, the CD Projekt Red title has shown what it is capable of once its many technical problems have been corrected. Far from being satisfied with this, some players push the game to its graphic limits using certain tools.

Watch Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty PC on GOG

Cyberpunk 2077 more beautiful than ever!

Today's video that interests us comes from the YouTube channel NextGen Dreams which has specialized in recent months in broadcasting game gameplay extracts in 4K, or even 8K, with realistic graphics. This concerns games that everyone knows like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but it is especially on Cyberpunk 2077 that the channel has focused in recent months. It must be said that with its impressive city of Night City which is overflowing with realism, there is room to make beautiful captures by adding a few mods and pushing the machine to its limits. And that's exactly what was done.

A result enabled by a string of mods

In the excerpt you can see above, it's mainly about observing the car models, strolling through the streets of Night City on foot or on a motorbike, but also seeing what the fights are like. To obtain such an impressive rendering, the player used numerous technical options such as DLSS 3.5 and ReSTIR GI Path Tracing on an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090.

But on top of all that, the gameplay extract below is mainly produced with a graphics mod that seems brand new: DreamPunk 1.0. Concretely, this is a specific Cyberpunk 2077 mod which offers a graphical improvement of the game which offers a complete overhaul of time and lighting to gain realism. An effective cocktail for a stunning result, but which is not within the reach of all budgets when we see the price of a 4090 today…

About Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty


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