Game help demonstrated in Minecraft with Microsoft's Copilot

AI will also play an increasing role in video games. And new videos from Microsoft Copilot show how such an AI helper can appear in “Minecraft”.

The PS5 recently got a new feature. Owners of the console can participate in game support and contribute videos that help other players get through difficult spots. How community game help works is summarized in this message.


Artificial intelligence could at some point make such game aids, which are created more or less manually, superfluous. Microsoft is making further advances in this direction with Copilot. It is the Redmond-based AI initiative.

AI helps in the world of Minecraft

Videos on Microsoft Copilot's official Twitter/X account show how the AI ​​service provides advice in the case of “Minecraft” including language support.

In the demonstrated version, the user must first open the Copilot program and the “Minecraft” window, after which the AI ​​identifies the game. After that, the system reacts to the player's language and gameplay.

Two of the possible use cases:


  • The player asks Copilot how to make a sword. The AI ​​asks him to open his inventory, analyzes the items present, and then tells him what he still needs and where to find it.
  • In another video, the player is being chased by zombies. Microsoft's copilot recognizes the zombies, tells the player what they are, and gives advice on how to escape the situation.

Below you can see the system in action:

The AI ​​companion for video games is still in its infancy, but could one day become a central element. To ensure that the sense of success is not completely lost, certain limits would be advisable.

For overcoming the most difficult challenges in life

Ultimately, AI help should go far beyond video games. Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman wrote of the new demo videos: “We’re taking Copilot to the next level. Copilot will see, hear, speak and help in real time.

He added: “Check out this demo to see what I mean. Soon, your AI companion will live alongside you, whether playing Minecraft or tackling life’s toughest challenges.”

Further reports on the topic of AI:

What do you think of such AI companions and supporters? Do you want something like that in a video game? Or are you more interested in frustrating situations and subsequent successes?

More news about Minecraft.

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