Exciting News for Lord of the Rings Fans: Films to Be Shown in Cinemas in June with a Fresh Perspective!

Culture news Lord of the Rings fans will be in heaven: in June, cinemas will show us the films like we've never seen them before!


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The fashion is to re-release cult films in theaters that have left their mark on History with a capital H of cinema. James Cameron recently offered fans of Titanic and Avatar remastered versions of his feature films, and Peter Jackson is following suit next June. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is back in a version never before seen on the big screen.


The return of the Lord of the Rings to the cinema

It's a saga that proved that nothing was impossible in Hollywood as long as you put in the resources and entrusted the project to competent people. The Lord of the Rings trilogy directed by Peter Jackson and screened in quick succession at the cinema between 2001 and 2003 profoundly transformed the film industry and revived a genre that was once in decline… Heroic-Fantasy. The New Zealand-born filmmaker has achieved a real tour de force with his adaptation of the work of JRR Tolkien.

In figures, the Lord of the Rings trilogy has 30 Oscar nominations for 17 statuettes won, including 11 for The Return of the King, nearly 3 billion dollars collected at the international box office and a new series of films based on The Hobbit serving as a prequel. However, for fans of the franchise, the cinema versions are just an appetizer. Indeed, they only swear by the long versions which add a lot of scenes and shed new light on the saga.

After the DVD formats, Peter Jackson is offering in 2020 to all those wishing to (re)discover the trilogy a Remastered Edition in 4K whose exploitation is limited to the private sphere. Fortunately, it will soon be possible to see this version in the cinema… but not necessarily in France. According to, The Hollywood Reporter, The Lord of the Rings trilogy will be released in North American theaters starting June 8, 2024. No details have been provided regarding a possible theatrical release on the Old Continent. However, it would be surprising not to extend this scope to European and Asian territories as the license is so powerful in these geographical areas.

A new Lord of the Rings film for 2024

Fans of Middle-earth and the universe imagined during the first half of the 20th century by JRR Tolkien are impatiently awaiting the release of the next film The Lord of the Rings. Unlike the first two trilogies, War of the Rohirim is an American-Japanese animated film directed by Kenji Kamiyama (Hirune hime daydreams, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG) from a screenplay by Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou. Scheduled for December 11, 2024 in France, The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim of its original title sets its plot two centuries before The Fellowship of the Ring and tells the story of Helm Hammerhand, the legendary king of Rohan having repelled the army of the Dunlendings. He will give his name to the famous Helm's Deep destroyed by Saruman's legions in The Two Towers.

About Lord of the Rings

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